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Everything posted by hasanlatch007

  1. So I have couple of mod downloaded which would be listed below, But anyways I have this bug everytime i try to launch my SCANsat I reach the perfect polar orbit and everything is nice, Just need to burn 10 more seconds and boom! Auto lock kicks in when i launch my before last stage which is a extra rocket making me not able to stop I tried restarting,pressing alt+l (I checked if it was that which was my default bind and it was) My mouse is on the left side Mods: HullCameraVDS KerbalGPS StationScience SCANsat Planetary baseInc kOS IDSSkillfulR1 Kerbal Enginer KSPMaritimePack(Not sure if working as spitfire is out of date) Please help me ASAP and thank you for reading this
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