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marc defranco

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    me, arguing with people, jacking off

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  1. The AN/M2 is electrically operated and only mounted on aircraft, it has a higher rate of fire than the M2 HB's used on ground vehicles and as crew-served weapons.
  2. Managed to fix them, thank you v much my dude.
  3. Got it, thanks for the help. Is there a repo of previous releases anywhere?
  4. Just formatted my PC and reinstalled all my previous mods. Now getting a "B9.Engine.Jet.Pod.Small.PylonS" missing part error from one of my crafts. I have base B9, legacy, and HX all installed and still can't find this part. Any help? The error message
  5. Agreed, ideally get the basic ship parts out and working before attempting to add features like that. Feature creep is pretty common with mods as versatile as the Maritime Pack.
  6. Awesome to hear, loved using the Maritime Pack in conjunction with BDA.
  7. Ah that's what I figured. There was Fengist's Maritime Pack but he abandoned development on it AFAIK, theres also WW2 Ships but it's fairly impractical considering performance limitations atm.
  8. Level 99 wehraboo detected, Hispanos were the best cannons of the war my dude.
  9. Not sure if this has been reported yet, but if a FLIR pod is destroyed while you have turrets slaved to it they'll be permanently stuck on the last laser target.
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