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Dr Ikusha

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  1. Never mind, a re-install seems to have fixed it. Lets all pretend I did that first before comming here and crying, ok? No? Ok, fine... *grabs the noob-hat and heads to the corner*
  2. I have the 0.2.10 version, should be the newest, i think? I've tried landing with the attachable wheels and with the "big foot" landing legs, both deployed and retracted. Same thing happens in all cases. I'll send you a save file if i can figure out how. Edit: Could it have something to do with the way i attach the landing gears/wheels? The wheels seems hard to get to attach like they should, they seem to want to clip into the Mercat engines. Though i think my latest try had them in the right position.
  3. I'm getting some rather serious bugs with this mod. I've landed a base on Minmus with no problems, but when i try to swich back to it from the tracking station i can't. I cant even select it in the menu there. When I swich to it from the map veiw (Swich to satellite in Minmus orbit > map view > swich to the base) the base has fallen through the surface to the core of Minmus. I then tried to load a quicksave i made with the base in Minmus orbit, but just broke my game. The base did'nt load, it was just empty space. and when I tried to return to the space center, it too was gone, even Kerbin itself. Just empty space. This happens every time I try to land a base built with parts from this mod. The alt+F12 debug log says something about a collision problem. (It happend late at night yesterday and i was to tired to think of saving exactly what it said, but i can reproduse it if need be.) The other mods I use are MechJeb2, B9 Aerospace, OPT, and KerbalAlarmClock.
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