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Article Comments posted by Mattheus

  1. 12 minutes ago, lodger said:

    What flavour of Mint are you using (what Desktop UI)? Cinnamon, Mate or XFCE? Can you check if this also happens with different a desktop environment (e.g. KDE or WindowMaker)?

    I have 17.3 Rosa with MATE 1.12.0 (with latest updates). Got around this by changeing resolution from game main menu, fortunately I have 1920x1200 display so 1080 height leaves some room for menu and other things. I recall same issue from 1.1beta days, maybe something just did reset to saved resolution. 1.0.5 sure had maximize button. Thanks for help!

  2. 1.1.3 wont show maximize button any more in Linux Mint 17 (Ubuntu 14.04 based). Its serious error - because Kerbals need to be run in window to be allow to do other things on computer also at same time during long nuclear burns etc.

    On mods side - missing alarm clock and outer planets are show stopers for me. No ships missing during load, yeah!

    Unfortunately forgot this time to make own separate copy and steam "last stable version" is not 1.1.2 this time :(

  3. Strange option in Steam Beta channel - NONE - opt out, and Previous - previous stable release?

    Edit: oh, not yet available. Have to use Steam for launching then (used CKAN launch button lately to be up to date with mods) and tar.gz whole directory sometimes - to hold a copy version with mods and 100+ flights in progress sure  working.

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