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Alex J Derpert

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Posts posted by Alex J Derpert

  1. 1 minute ago, stali79 said:

    This is odd as i am running 1.1.3 and i can change fuels in most parts...

    Which Firespitter version are you running? I think its in the addon.txt file or something like that. I went onto the forums and downloaded the latest version off of Curse, and also had Interstellar Fuel thingy installed. It still didnt work

  2. 1 hour ago, Starwaster said:

    I don't think any OPT parts have any resource in them unless Firespitter is installed. (Exception: Cockpits have ElectricCharge)

    Assuming FS is installed and working properly (may not if the version you use needs updating for KSP because of a KSP update) then you need to right click the parts in the VAB/SPH and configure them with the part's context menu

    Without Firespitter there are no resources.

    Of course, none of that applies to me because I use Real Fuels so I use that instead of Firespitter for my fuel tank needs.

    Ok because as far as I know, Firespitter is incompatible(right as the time of this posting) that is, with 1.1.3. I guess that is  causing our problems

  3. 1 hour ago, Starwaster said:

    Tabs and misaligned brackets are NOT coding errors. 

    They may cause my blood to boil in my veins and my bile to rise in my gorge but they are not coding errors and insertion of tabs and aligning of brackets aren't fixes.

    Now... if there is a mismatched number of left to right brackets or braces, that will cause problems

    Also, is it common for all of the fuel tanks to have no fuel?

  4. 43 minutes ago, Starwaster said:

    Tabs and misaligned brackets are NOT coding errors. 

    They may cause my blood to boil in my veins and my bile to rise in my gorge but they are not coding errors and insertion of tabs and aligning of brackets aren't fixes.

    Now... if there is a mismatched number of left to right brackets or braces, that will cause problems

    Oh ok. Sorry I just am a n00b at coding and am trying to fix the fuel tank error



    In your OPT folder(the folder you would put in GameData), the problem is located in the OP_FS.cfg config file, inside the mm_config folder.

    I will soon post a DropBox link for an updated version of this file.

    The problem is because there is massive coding errors in the files. Specifically, there is no tabs(the thing created after pressing [TAB]) creating misaligned brackets.


    How do I know this? I had firespitter and i pasted the thing from this post into the cfg file, which fixed only some of the L parts, then i realized that a few parts at the bottom of the file had correct format, bringing the fuel to that one part. I will promise to post the DropBox link soon!


    Cheers guys!

    Alex J Derpert


    UPDATE: Actually that is not the problem. I dont know what it is

  6. 1 minute ago, TheDestroyer111 said:

    I also get this issue, I have no idea why. The only mods common with us are DMP, KER, MechJeb2, and Hyperedit. Hmm... I can't say whether this issue is a stock or mod one, but definitely not exclusive to any of the mods that we don't share. This also can't be Hyperedit, as I already got this before installing hyperedit.

    Lets hope SQUAD staff see this. This is strangely becoming more frequent and repetitive among the community. I might as well put #SquadPleaseSeeThis in the title

  7. Whenever I play career mode and I go into some buildings (Excluding VAB and SPH, and including Mission Control, Administration, etc.) the screens disappear and just show the Space Center. And also, sometimes my KSP just randomly crashes(Yes i am running 64bit version). What is wrong with my KSP?

    Also, I did put the hashtag because this is becoming more and more repetitive in the KSP community.

    Extra Info


    Specs(Straight From DirectX Diagnostics):

    Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 10586) (10586.th2_release_sec.160527-1834)
    System Manufacturer: Apple Inc.
    System Model: iMac14,2

    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4771 CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
    Memory: 16384MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 16324MB RAM

    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M
    Manufacturer: NVIDIA
    Chip type: GeForce GTX 780M
    DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC

    (Hope this covers all the necessities)


    Mods In KSP:

    • DarkMultiplayer
    • KAS
    • KIS
    • Hyperedit
    • Kerbal Engineer Redux
    • Infernal Robotics
    • MechJeb2
    • Version_2.0 Industries Rover Pack
    • ModuleManager.2.6.7.dll


    Video For Example

    The Video Is Only Temporary Until We Fix The Problem


    Crash Log (Latest one that happened today while editing this post)

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ikk6ae877f4ua71/Crash Log.zip?dl=0

  8. Does anybody have any idea if there are any cinematic camera mods out there? I'm trying to make a fanmade trailer for KSP 1.1 and the ones I have don't work anymore. I used KerbCam and Camera Tools(BahamutoD), but those don't work.

  9. On 9/19/2015 at 0:29 PM, Gaalidas said:

    I have been given the blessings and permissions to continue the Kerbal Foundries mod in the absence of our fearless leader lo-fi. He's moved on, more or less. Considering all the work he's put forth to reinvent the wheel, quite literally, I believe he has more than earned a long vacation. I don't believe he's gone for good, but we may not actually hear a lot from him. However, I share in his vision and still have a lot of interest in this simulation (I prefer not to call KSP a game since it is so much more.)

    New: (10/27/2015)

    Forum user "run1235" has done some work on getting some of the KF parts into appropriate CTT (Community Tech Tree) nodes, and I have compiled those configs into an easy MM (Module Manager) patch. Once decompressed, the GameData folder within is ready to be simply dropped on top of your existing one. Nothing will be replaced... at least I don't think it will. The file is using a new directory structure that will be used when I update this mod next, but should be fully compatible with whatever you all have installed right now. Of course, it goes without saying that you'll need Module Manager and CTT installed to see any effect from this patch. (Yeah, I just said it... so I guess it goes with saying, eh?) Archive is located here: Dropbox Link

    The following is a statement regarding support of a certain 3rd Party tool, or the apparent lack thereof.

    I do not support the use of CKAN or any other mod-updating tool. No one is stopping you from trying it but, if it fails, it is not my problem. I will not write extra batch files to force this tool/utility to recognize the new version of the MOD that is available. The problem exists within the tool/utility and it is the job of those authors to fix the problem with how they handle such things if it is worth their time to do so. The only supported way of installing this mod is the way everyone installed mods before CKAN came along, and that is to drag the folder into GameData directly from the zip. It isn't too difficult to track new versions of the mod on your own, or through the KerbalStuff subscription system. If/When KSP releases an official mod managing application, I will do everything possible to make sure everything works as intended.

    It is not my intention to be the rear end of a mule to anyone by saying this, but the fact remains that I am only the new maintainer of this mod and for the last year or so I have only been contributing to it with no access to the KerbalStuff release page. KerbalStuff does not allow me to change the version numbers for past releases, so the best I can do is remove the errant releases from the site to fix any issues people might be having with a 3rd party mod manager. that I have done, and that is all that I can do at this time. This has nothing to do with willingness to work on a solution, but rather has to do with my limited time and energy to worry about it. The only true reason I am taking the lead with KF right now is because I do not want to see it simply disappear with the disappearance of lo-fi from the modding scene. This is not to say that new and exciting things are not being worked on, but I cannot spend as much time on it as I used to. Unfortunately this also means I won't be able to re-publish to KerbalStuff, or work on moving everything over to my github repository for the continued work at this time.

    So please take this into consideration before you send me a private message with some new idea about how I can fix CKAN or how I should be taking better care of version numbering for releases that were published before I took over the mod.


    Old News: (pre-10/27/2015)

    Now, on to some newer stuff. I'm working on writing a set of modules that might make it easier to convert old wheels to the KF modules. I make no promises, but there are some parameters that can be brought it automatically from the existing ModuleWheel information about the wheel itself such as the transform names and collider names. Other values can be initialized at their defaults and work with most wheels that have been created for KSP. Ideally, one would still write their configs specifically for the KF modules, but I might be able to make it easier to do quick and dirty conversions by simply adding a new module to the config and letting the plugin do the work at run time.

    I'm also dabbling in making DustFX into something that will work on KF wheels, stock wheels, landing gear, etc. without requiring separate plugins to be loaded. In that same line of development is an attempt to make the KF functionality more modular allowing for wheels that have no suspension to speak of, but could still use the more efficient steering mechanisms. The opposite is also desired, having a wheel that has no steering at all but still could use the suspension system.

    Finally, I am working on a way to re-use the WaterSlider module to make tracks/wheels/screws usable in water. The plan is to basically place the water slider slightly under the water, but high enough that the craft can still be considered not-splashed. The wheels/tracks/whatever would then have a solid surface to roll over. There would, of course, be code written to maintain a higher drag on the craft due to having to displace water instead of atmosphere like a rover does on land. I'm also going to try and make the depth of the slider panel respond to the scale of the wheels on the craft but, with multiple wheels capable of having different scales, keeping track of what depth should be used could be tricky. All of this is being done, however, to circumvent the issues with buoyancy, annoying splash effects, and stability in water. The inspiration is to imitate an over-filled, monster-sized tire on a small vehicle allowing the vehicle to float and/or maintain enough speed on the water to hydroplane across the surface in a semi-controlled manner.

    So, that's my news so far. Fixing links and such for this thread is still on the to-do list, but it all comes down to time and energy. I don't get out of my later class until 7:40pm on most week days, so I end up with little time to do any hobby work.


    I just have a particular question. Is there any hope for Kerbal Foundries on 1.1.1? The versions I have in my files are not compatible with it.

  10. 7 hours ago, KAL 9000 said:

    A service bay? Wasn't that Nexter?

    Actually, that was Nexter. But I was trying to say that you have to think of the craziest ways to make a glitch work in KSP. I thought of that because I recently watched one of his videos by the time I was making the previous reply.

  11. 10 hours ago, Ultimate Steve said:

    "The front end is like, bouncing like crazy!"

    Sometimes, I wish funny glitches happened to me. (Even though I am still in 1.0.5) Some people just seem to be kraken bait (in a good way). You, Danny2462, (and not me.) Great vid!

    Thank you very much! Honestly, I understand when you wish funny glitches happened to you. I have had that feeling for a very long time. And during the making of this video, it took a lot of time to find the right glitches. Heck, there are even so many deleted scenes in which glitches don't happen. Sometimes you kind of have to think of the most unnecessary and radical questions when you do this. For example:

    "Do I have to ram the plane into the Kerbal?"

    "Do I have to run him over at 4X warp?"

    "Do I have to stretch him between two Advanced Grabbing Units?" (If you watched Danny2462's video on that, you'll get the reference) (Also called 'The Glitch Device')

    "Do you have to stuff tons of Kerbals in a 2.5m service bay?"


    4X physics warp is also very helpful in situations like these. It can mess with the physical and structural stability of the vessel and sometimes cause the craziest things to happen! 

  12. I hope the SQUAD Staff don't fix these glitches. I LOVE THEM!!!

    Also check out my KSP Ship pack. BUT BE WARNED!!! THEY HAVENT BEEN TESTED IN 1.1!!!

    IF this happens to be the very first video you have watched by me, please do consider watching some of my other videos. Feel free, to drop a comment, like and subscribe!!!

  13. On 3/9/2016 at 5:00 PM, Heckspress said:

    Some tips: Use a medium or large landing gear at the front of the falcon troop dropper, and also try using the MK2 cargo bay, the pods will fit.

    Also, I like the boosters on the Ravenspear, I don't have much patience with that kind of thing. It was even able to go sub-orbital, so I may be able to use that for cargo missions.

    Hey there! I tried out your tips and they seemed to work! In the front i upgraded the landing gear from small to medium, and the back ones to large. I also tried fitting the command pods in the Mk2 Cargo Bay. They fit as you said. However, a minor issue, is that they stick out. Other than that, it works beautifully! Thank you so much for the suggestion!

  14. 13 hours ago, Heckspress said:

    Some tips: Use a medium or large landing gear at the front of the falcon troop dropper, and also try using the MK2 cargo bay, the pods will fit.

    Also, I like the boosters on the Ravenspear, I don't have much patience with that kind of thing. It was even able to go sub-orbital, so I may be able to use that for cargo missions.

    Thanks for the tip :)! I will try it out when I go into KSP next time! I'll let you know how it works! On the Ravenspear, I decided to take the ravenspear mk4 and replace the jet engines with turbo ramjet engines. Thanks to that it goes 1500m/s!

    14 hours ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

    Great way to start on the forums, @Alex J Derpert


    You have the Spaceplane Freak's support!

    Thanks! I always appreciate it! :)

  15. 8 hours ago, Spaceception said:

    Hahahaha, that was awesome :D:D:D:D:D

    Thanks! :D:D:D:D

    YouTube and video creation allows me to express myself through a funny audiovisual representation of something.

    Hearing positive feedback on one of my videos always makes me smile!

  16. Hey guys! I'm new to the forum and made a Ship Pack for anyone who wants to see it!

    Also, I made a fan-made trailer to commemorate this awesome exploration game!!! (Lol more of a commercial at the end) :)


  17. On 3/6/2016 at 10:01 PM, Heckspress said:

    Just to let you know, Mediafire links don't work on the KSP forums, so Dropbox or Github would be a better option.

    Hey Heckspress! I have just added a Dropbox link to the downloads list. That should clear up the trouble for now :)! Downloads now work!

  18. 20 minutes ago, Heckspress said:

    Just to let you know, Mediafire links don't work on the KSP forums, so Dropbox or Github would be a better option.

    Thanks for the info! As I am a 100% newb on the forums, any info will be greatly appreciated! I will try to fix the media fire link. Also, if you click the YouTube button in the embed video, it will take you to the video I created on YouTube. In the description of the Ship Pack trailer should be a link to save you for now. I will soon get a Dropbox for this. Thank you very much for letting me know!

  19. 33 minutes ago, Azimech said:

    Welcome to the forum! Nice video!


    Thanks! KSP is the worlds greatest game to me! You get to go into outer space however way you want, via plane or rocket and allows me to put my creativity to the test. Because of this, I felt as if I have learned so much. I also felt like sharing some of my outrageous creations with the community on the forum. Thank you very much!

  20. Welcome to Alex J Derpert's Kerbal Space Program Ship Pack!!!

    NOTICE: Some of the ships are not shown in the video.


    • 1st Spaceplane (My first spaceplane(Supersonic))
    • Albatross 72 Heavy Troop Dropper (Heavy Troop Dropper)
    • Cargo Jet Plane (Cargo Plane)
    • Falcon 25 Troop Dropper (Light Troop Dropper)
    • Hypersonic Plane (Hypersonic)
    • Kart Racer Mark I (Miscellaneous)
    • Ravenspear Mk5 (Hypersonic)
    • Stearwing A300 with Rocket (Manned Rocket(Manned) Dropper)
    • Stearwing SRB Dropper A750 (Missile(Unmanned) Launcher)
    • Supersonic Spy Jet (Supersonic)





    Some of the planes have bay doors. These can be toggled using the Light button near the altitude meter.

    BE WARNED!!! Some of the planes(Ravenspear Mk5 for example) can go up to 1500m/s! Be careful and use low speed when landing.

    Please let me know if anything faulty with the ships happen and i will solve it.

    See you in the skies!

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