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  1. Thank you -- that was the issue. From a gameplay point of view, I'm all for the specialist bonus but I would assume that a 2.5m carbon extractor and water purifier could support a pair of scientists on orbit (even with their obviously gigantic brains.) With the rates set as they are now, I'll try bringing an engineer on board but I'm more likely to shut the specialist bonuses off completely, which is too bad since I think it's a good idea. No matter what, tho, thanks for the support and thanks for the mod. Life support was one of the things I thought was sorely missing from stock and this is a great way to bring it in. -j
  2. The ship is all one unit, so there are no docking ports to cross (the Cupola is mated directly to the lab and that's mated directly to the reclaimers.) There are four docking ports on one end, but they're not currently connected to anything. I do see waste water and CO2 accumulating in them, so material can at least flow in. It's acting as if it's not "on", even though their dialog boxes say they're operational. I've also tried the "Resource Transfer Obeys Crossfeed Rules" difficulty flag in both positions -- no dice. -j
  3. Hi folks, I just updated KSP to 1.2.2 (OSX) and, of course, immediately loaded TAC Life Support v.1.2.8. I have a science node for a station with the 2.5m water purifier and carbon extractor -- and plenty of electricity and they've been turned on -- but I find that the reclaimers aren't replenishing the water or O2 supply. I have a Copula module at one end, the science lab is in the middle and the extractor and purifier is at the other -- I don't know if this matters but I thought I'd mention. The ship file can be found here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/satelliteglasses/GameData/Station+Science+Node.craft How can I debug this? Why would they not be replenishing water and O2? Thanks for the help!! -j
  4. Excellent, thanks for that. Also, thanks for the link to the issue tracker -- I didn't know that was public. Speaking of science and labs, (and maybe I should start a new thread for this, not sure) if I research something in the labs but never return that science to Kerbin (by sending Jebediah, let's say, back home), do I get credit for it under the planets/biomes/situations list in the Science bits of KSC? I've never been able to really tell if the results are chalked up there even if the Labs module handles it. Thanks again! -j
  5. I have a pair of stations, one orbiting the Mun and one orbiting Minmus, with Mobile Processing Labs attached (the one around Minmus, in fact, has two.) Every time I load data to these Labs I get the same error: "...not enough data storage to research [science study name here]." Thing is, I definitely have enough data storage available -- in fact, when I check the data storage levels before and after transferring from the experiment to the Lab I find that exactly the right amount has been claimed by the new data. Is this truly an error? Did I misconfigure (misbuild?) something? I'd like to return these studies for their full science potential but somehow I don't think I'm doing that. Thanks for the help! (Also, first post here...) -j
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