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  1. I don\'t have any screen shots, but I\'ve done three (one of a ship) rescue missions so far. Not quite ship to ship, so I hope they count. ;] First one was of a mun lander who\'s pilot had a bit of an accident. It\'s a valuable ship, so we had to recover it naturally. Sent out a 3 manned recovery vessel, landed about 1-2km away (yay mechjeb) and a brave Kerbalnaut hopped inside and flew it home. Not a problem... until I tried to fly the recovery vessel home. It ran out of fuel at about 10km above Mun and they hadn\'t reached a stable orbit yet... They were stranded with no fuel, heading straight for pancake land. So I did the only thing any sane Kerbalnaut would do. I jumped ship and used the jet packs to put the Kerbalnaut in a orbit around the Mun, waiting for a rescue ship. So, ANOTHER recovery ship was launched immediately. Once we were in orbit around Kerbin, we realised someone messed up, because it had 3 Kerbalnauts in it! So they draw straws and kicked one out, leaving him in orbit of Kerbin. Once they arrived at Mun, after much trial and error, they got an extremely close orbit to the stranded Kerbalnaut - Billock I think - going a bit faster and closing in. At this point, good old Billock saw the ship, and used his jetpack to maneuver near it, grab the ladder and hop in. Flew back to Kerbin and the KSC without a hitch. Now of course we had to send ANOTHER recovery vessel... I\'d tell you what happened, but someone appears to have botched the report. It\'s missing. And now that I think about it, I haven\'t seen Johan lately... So yeh, rescued 2 Kerbals and a ship. That\'s close enough right? (altho no screenies :<).
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