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Everything posted by WobblyRocketMaster

  1. El problema son los motores LV909. Aunque van bien para hacer maniobras sin atmosfera, a la que entras en la atmosfera, aunque sea una flojita como la de Duna, su empuje es casi nulo, haciendo que quemes todo el combustible por el camino. Prueba con un Rockomax Poodle o el Spark ( para el stage de aterrizaje. Quizás la nave es muy complicada para una misión en Duna, por ejemplo tantos motores en distribución radial va a disminuir el rendimiento en la atmósfera de Kerbin por el "drag". En mis misiones para Duna, suelo poner una cápsula para 3 kerbals (la Mk1-2), un depósito de 2.5m mediano y un Poddle. Este conjunto es el que tiene que llegar, lleno, justo antes de entrar en la atmosfera de Duna. Espero poder ser de ayuda.
  2. Disregard this post. It's happening to other people and the issue is with the TakeCommand mod. Link to other post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/108711-105-take-command-launch-kerbals-in-external-command-seats-v13-dec-6-2015/&do=findComment&comment=2379770
  3. Dear fellow Kerbonauts, I am encountering a glitch on my new career save. The bug shows when I am about to rendezvous with a kerbal stranded in orbit, whom I must rescue. Just when entering physics range, the game switches right to the rescue target, then a weird focus change sequence happens, and finally the rescue craft is sent to suborbital trajectory. Here's the mod list: - Mod list (.ckan file) Here's a video of it happening: And here's the savefile (the rescue craft is 3 PAX rescuer) http://sprunge.us/fLaT (.sfs file. right-click and save as) The unity log file: http://sprunge.us/HCAC Any tips on helping to debug it? EDIT1: By the way, I am running it from CKAN, not Steam EDIT2: looks like the bug has something to do with command chairs... EDIT3. Disregard this post. It's happening to other people and the issue is with the TakeCommand mod. Link to other post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/108711-105-take-command-launch-kerbals-in-external-command-seats-v13-dec-6-2015/&do=findComment&comment=2379770
  4. Hey @Perry Apsis! Each of the landers came back on their own after refueling. It was a fun mission. Perhaps my favourite one so far. Cheers!
  5. Thanks for the warm welcome, @Starhawk!
  6. Hello everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster I have been playing KSP for over a year and love it so far. My biggest accomplishments are a simultaneous 3-lander mission to Duna in order to visit anomalies and refuel using a refueling station on the low orbit before departing the duna system (the landers didn't have enough deltav to come back to the kerbin system). Looking forward to participating in the forums!
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