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  1. Align the driver to the driven. If you rotate a command module so the ladder aligns with the lower sections you will hate yourself when you try to use the directional controls. It also makes space hangar part alignment impossible. Do not save the last bit of staging to detach in final re-entry in an attempt to limit space debris. It works fine *most* of the time but can also come back and hit you, or even worse, clip into the heat shield and make the craft uncontrollable.
  2. The only way I have ever gotten it is to land it and recover it... one small grocery bag a trip.
  3. Got it (I think). Data limit is the science module but the control module(s) will store unlimited data - just not dupes. Thought both were full from the message and never checked collected versus return after mission. Grazi!
  4. Data limits. Ugh. Know there's a limit on both command modules and science module (not talking about multiple same biosphere/same report but raw data limits). What are they? Is there a table or chart somewhere if command modules vary? Is there any way to increase data storage besides stacking multiple science or command modules? Seems a shame I can't get it all in one trip - like having to make multiple trips to the store because they won't give me a bigger bag to put things in.
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