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Posts posted by bncrock

  1. 7 hours ago, Xyphos said:


    it's lodged in his throat. *pokerface*
    (come on, I'm trying to keep the suggestive humor while keeping the thread rated PG)

    I'm an internet dweller. It's a requirement to assume everything is dirty.

    Go on to memecenter or ifunny or reddit or whatever and see.

  2. On 2/20/2016 at 2:08 PM, PPR said:

    1) Keep the part count as low as possible. 

    This has more to do with performance than gameplay. This is just to avoid performance lag as you dock new parts/ships. 



    *takes a momment to breath*




    But really, I can't follow that. The other ones make sense though. My first station has a ton of fuel on one side and was mostly habitats and SSTO's on the other. I named it the snake because every time I tried to cancel any movement it bent like one.

  3. 13 hours ago, godefroi said:

    I have a 212 cooler on my 2500K, I love it.

    While we're on general build subjects, what's the general feeling on micro ATX builds?

    Their compact nature is nice but you're gonna need a lot of wire management if you plan to put it in a micro atx chassis. My problem with micro atx is they tend to be less powerful than their atx counterparts, like they can hold less ram, they have less ram or pci sockets, or are just in general less powerful. But they work, and they work fine.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Sequinox said:

    Just wait until you see /r/itwasagraveyardgraph!

    Yeah, I get that. I did use that number in the standard TWR formula and it checked out, but  my I had my doubts, such as "Did that give me how much to lift to LEO, or what my rocket mass was", "Did I math incorrectly?", "What even is my grade in math right now?", "Did they really do the monster math?".

    Well the last one gets into some deep ideoligical thoughts of what actually and doesn't exist that I won't get into because I'm positive the mods have me on a sort of "on topic" watchlist >.> 

    I see your point. But at least your math is just tooting your own ship's horn. Mine can kill the kerbalnauts and turn the whole thread against me, which social anxiety impacts me greater than the loss of their lives.

    But I'm just being silly. My margin of error is pretty big. I couldn't possibly mess up.



  5. 12 minutes ago, Sequinox said:

    Alright guys, /r/theydidthemath!

    The Herox II can certainly lift a payload into a 180x180 inclined in orbit. But here's the question...
    How much can it lift?

    With some pretty rough testing courtesy of KER's TWR readouts and a dummy payload, I got a payload of 26.2t.


    Here lies what used to be math that I just couldn't believe. Using a formula I got something like 720t before the TWR gets to 1. This did not at all seem right, so I'm going to stick by about 26.2t to 180x180 @ 20o.



    I dunno, I really liked the /r/theydidthemonstermath.

    Makes sense, but you shouldn't  discredit yourself because it seems wrong until you know it is actually wrong. Maybe it's time for you to test your results.

  6. 1 hour ago, Sequinox said:


    The Herox II

    An orbital launch vehicle developed by HC Orbital.

    The Herox II will be painted orange when used in launches from now on. Herox II can carry well over 5t to LEO without issue. Alongside being a powerhouse, the Herox II is very dependable. You can trust this rocket for all of your launches. It also carries an optional upper stage engine for orbital corrections, which is included by default in the craft file.

    Craft File

    This deserves a round of applause. I like it. I like it a lot.

  7. -Build a space station

    -Build a Mun base

    -Build a mun station

    -Build a minmus base

    -Build a minmus station

    -Capture and mine an asteroid

    -Build a mass relay

    -Use said mass relay to destroy said space station with said asteroid

    -Build a solar space station (good luck)

    -Land on Moho

    -Explore the Mohole

    -Land on Eve

    -Open a beach resort on the Evian ocean

    -Take a rock sample from Gilly

    -Land on duna

    -Open a start up company to collect fresh Dunian Ice

    -Use Ike to gravity assist back to Kerbin

    -Aerobrake (and probably die horrendously)

    -Don't go to Dres because nobody likes Dres

    -Go to Jool

    -Send a probe into Jool to burn uup

    -Land on Laythe 

    -Fly a jet on Laythe

    -Meet the Kracken on Bop

    -Atempt to land and return from Tylo (it's pretty hard)

    -Marvel at how cute Pol is

    -Visit Eeloo

    -Get mad because it isn't a planet anymore.

    -Leave the solar system

    -Make a sub orbital flight around Kerbol (trust me, it's safe)

  8. My .24 save laid dormant in the clutter of folders in my computer. Recently, I pulled it out and ran it in my 1.0.5 game. Aftet almost two years I revisited my biggest save and finally took my interplanetary craft, which had been in orbit for less than 2 real years, to duna. I encountered a few problems (objects inside each other, fuel lines breaking, non retractable solar pannels getting ripped off during my aerobrake) but I put it to use and felt good about myself. Also, I completed a moon base concept that I put togethet long ago and put it on the moon.

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