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  1. Oh.... I didn't realise that. Looks kinda wierd on eve tho. Thack for the answer!
  2. Is it normal that some planets has green "clouds" at the poles?
  3. @ssd21345 @Nhawks17 @Shadriss I reinstalled the game and now it works! Thank for the help!
  4. No clouds at all, can you maybe put your GameData folder on something like Dropbox so we chould download it??? If thats even possible
  5. Is there a RAM limit for KSP? If yes, how do you change it?
  6. Right now it's just crashing when it's finished loading....
  7. I have but I've only managed to install scatterer. I don't know what to do with the maps in SVE
  8. I cannot get it to work?? How do you install it? Looks AMAZING!
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