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tyler robotnik

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Everything posted by tyler robotnik

  1. so i start a new save file in completely vanilla KSP and when i get into orbit to go to minmus i notice that my manuver nodes look diffrent, heres a picture: http://imgur.com/EpOun9c the yellow line that tells me what my orbit will be once my burn is over is a hard to see yellow band instead of a bright yellow dotted line like it used to be heres a picture from the ksp wiki for comparasin: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/e/e7/ManeuverNodePrograde.PNG ive been looking around the internet to try and find a solution though ive not been able to find anything. other than the diffrent visual look it works normally, its just harder to see it. ksp v
  2. so i built a tanker in orbit to store fuel and oxidizer to refuel rockets for long missions, it has 3 tanks that ive connected side by side with docking 2 ports on each tank as to add stability so it wouldent wobble about the middle and left tanks have connected as i intended, both sets of docking ports have connected and arnt wobbling, the issue is with the middle and right tanks http://imgur.com/1Vmd0ZX the upper docking port is slightly misaligned and wont connect, ive tried undocking and redocking but i get the same issue ive also tried rotating the right tank and docking with the other side of the tank and had the same issue, so its not just that port on the right tank. the middle tank was made in symmetry mode so it shouldent be an issue with placement otherwise both tanks would have the issue ive even gotten it to where it looks like they are perfectly connected but they still arnt. i would like to note that the left and right tanks are identical so it shouldent be anything wrong with the design otherwise the left tank would have had the same issue
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