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Posts posted by 3ngin33r

  1. I can't transmit science at all. It says "max transmission rate none" even if I have a working antenna that's in range, plenty of electric charge and data to transmit. It gets flagged for transmission automatically but no matter what I do, it's not transmitting. Don't know if this is a bug or what, I do have a bunch of other mods installed but they should all be compatible so I don't know if I should submit a bug report or if this is a simple issue and I just have menu blindness. 

  2. 15 hours ago, wizisi2k said:

    problem with this is if you make it use a insane amount of electric power, the only things that can power it are modded parts.  Do you want to rely on kolonization's power generation stuff (all the reactors to keep this thing operational all the time would be high on part count).  That or put on a station near kerbol inside the orbit of moho with tons of solar panels and radiators.  I think the max electric charge input should be probably 100 units/second unless you wanna make your own reactor.

    There are solar panels generating 500 ec/s in near future electrical and the biggest nuclear reactors generate in the thousands. And it's an intentional op part, it inputs basically ore because you can convert ore into LH2 and outputs hard to get resources from CRP. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, JeffreyCor said:

    It gives only benefits without any penalty, thus there is no reason for reverting to a pre upgraded part the way the mod is implemented. This has been discussed at length in this forum previously.
    Upgrades part are applied only per save. It does NOT effect any other save you have. If you encountered  such you have a problem with your game which is not part of the mod.

    It does affect all saves you make after upgrading, of course, it does. Rerolling to before upgrading would lose me a lot of progress now. It's not a technical problem, mod works just fine, I just don't want to keep my cheated upgrades. I know there's a way to remove it, I'm 100% certain it's not hard-coded into the game, that's probably impossible without dev tools or a lot of reverse engineering. I just don't know where it's stored and how to remove it. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, JeffreyCor said:

    No, as there is no need to. There is no down side to an upgraded part.

    There is most certainly a reason. I was testing a bit, saved before cheating in a bunch of science to do so(it takes a cool 30 minutes to go to the title screen and back in the game), then I forgot to revert to the save before and now all my saves have the upgraded part.

  5. Basically, I love MKS but I'm not too keen on the fact that if you wanna' get material kits or supplies, you have to do the whole incredibly complex resource chain, I think there should be an alternate option that is much simpler but has some huge downsides/difficulties of its own so that rather than replacing MKS' systems, it exists in its own niche.


    Basically, my idea is a part named "Small Hadron Collider" (and maybe a set of parts such as a hadron collider for ants, moderately sized hadron collider, large hadron collider 2.0, and way too large hadron collider desc: do you *want* to make a black hole?). It would be a fairly simple converter that inputs liquid hydrogen and loads of EC, like 10.000 EC/s and outputs any stock or CRP resource at a very low rate, maybe 1kg/hr or something along those lines. 


    I don't really know a lot about modding, I do know a little so I'm hoping someone will make it. If not, I'll do it, I just need someone to point me in the direction that will get me to get it done the fastest because, to me, it looks very simple to implement it.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Terwin said:

    If you are worried about breaking your save, copy it to a safe location before you start experimenting.

    If you like, you can copy the entire KSP directory, just to be safe.  Then, no matter what, you can restore your game-state by just deleting your messed-up version and copying the saved version back in its place(or just play from the safe location)

    The lack of DRM on KSP makes this sort of thing very easy to handle.

    I do that already, I just prefer asking to experimenting because it takes the better part of an hour of my HDD running at 100% making my pc unusable to get from clicking on the exe to being in the VAB.

  7. 7 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

    Deleting the patch should not break anything, no.

    I meant putting // in before just the lines that modify the converter and leaving the rest be. I think it's called commenting out or something, I don't know a lot about coding. I'm sorry if I'm bothersome, I just want to make sure before I break my saves or something. 

  8. If I just delete the lines from the OSE patch that modify the OSE converter, I assume that will just revert it to using ore or will it break something? I know it would be a bit op but I swear I'll only use it for good. :)  I just want a simple and compact solution for small-scale operations while having the complex system remain for larger scale, Deep Space Surface Habitat Unit Pack already does that for life support. I love MKS but I wish it was balanced better for small-scale, simple things rather than being almost exclusively geared towards large and complex bases. A possible fix would be that level 5 Kerbals don't revert to tourists but instead, revert to level 0 for example. Or having a part that inputs ore, a rover, and a kerbal working in it and produces material kits really inefficiently compared to the complete chain. I'm not asking for that, I'm just explaining why I want to cheat a little. 

  9. 8 hours ago, RoverDude said:

    You would need a 1.2.2 version of USI_Tools as well then, since that is what handles the custom category.

    I always download mods that look like dependencies so I didn't even think to mention it but I checked it to be sure, it was there then I replaced it with the newest version and still nothing. I worked around it by downloading modular fuel tanks though so it's fine. The problem was that I didn't have anything that could store karborundum. 

  10. Most of the kontainers are not showing up in the VAB even though the mod is installed correctly as some parts do show up. I found this line in the configs of the parts that refuse to show up: 

    category = none
    subcategory = 0

    I figured that's because some other mod like CTT or the (to me) new Community Category Kit assigns them somewhere but those don't do anything either. 

    I'm using the latest 1.2.2 build.

  11. 42 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

    Clearly your definition of overpowered differs from mine. But that's completely besides the point, it's your challenge. I won't go into that.

    What does matter is the fact the challenge still borders on impossible. There is no such thing as a stable orbit on jets only.

    • Without some kind of gravity assist you will fall back into Kerbins atmosphere. Not stable.
    • With a Mun or Minmus encounter you can raise your Pe above 70 km but sooner or later you will encounter Mun or Minmus again. It might be days, weeks or even years. Sooner or later you WILL encounter it again. Not stable.
    • Leaving Kerbins SOI, either with a gravity assist or directly, will result in a similar scenario. You will encounter Kerbin again. Not stable.
    • In case you're lucky enough to encounter and get an assist from another planet again you will run into it again eventually. Not stable.
    • Without spending energy in orbit to stabilize your orbit (e,g, not encounter any SOI or atmosphere) no orbit is stable. And on just jet engines this is not possible. Jets don't work in a vacuum.
    • Landing on any non atmospheric body is out of the question for the same reason, jets don't work in a vacuum. You can hit them, but a crash is not a landing.

    The only three targets that are at least in theory possible are landing on Duna, Eve or Laythe. But all three border on impossible.

    You'll need to leave Kerbins atmosphere at an exact speed, angle AND time to even get a Mun encounter. You'll have to hit Mun at an exact speed, angle AND time to get the proper assist to fling you all the way to Duna, Eve or Jool. And if you're lucky enough to do that you still need to hit the atmosphere at the proper angle to aerobrake and get captured. Either to land or get an encounter with Laythe, aerobrake, get captured and land.
    ALL THIS has to be set-up while still blasting through Kerbins atmosphere at an insane speed. for a very simple reason: jets don't work in a vacuum and the challenge is jets only.

    At least on paper is should be possible. But in practice ... not so much.
    If you show me an unedited video of you taking off from KSC and land on Laythe on nothing but jets (no RCS, no rockets, no nukes, just air breathing jet engines) I'll buy a hat, take it off and eat it.

    So TL;DR you have three problems: 

    -You have a different standard of what's OP which you're not willing to explain.

    -A stable orbit on jets is *technically* impossible because eventually, it would get an encounter. Which is a nitpick and you know full well what I meant as does everyone else. 

    -It's impossible to land on bodies without an atmosphere with only wings. No excrements. 

    I get what your problem is I just don't know what you expect. I only wrote points for things that are possible. I get that it's really hard to be that precise in the atmosphere at Mach 10 so I gave the option for small correction burns in exchange for a loss of some points. It doesn't defeat the purpose of the challenge as you're still doing the heavy lifting within the atmosphere, you're just correcting your errors. Also, I got into a solar orbit that almost reached the orbit of Duna with a small relative inclination. And that was my third try. It's not *that* hard to call it borderline impossible. It is challenging yes, but are you complaining that a challenge is challenging?

  12. 5 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

    OK, you're right. I miss read. You indeed do allow the overpowered Mk2 expansion engines. You could have been a bit clearer about that.

    They're not overpowered. The ones that have stock counterparts are balanced to have a similar performance and the ones that don't, have huge downsides like being dead weight under Mach 4. Edit: I made it clearer, included links as well.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

    On stock engines NOT POSSIBLE! PERIOD!
    The images you've provided use the overpowered OPT engines you so cleverly outlawed.

    Just on stock engines you CAN leave the atmosphere but you will NOT get anywhere near a Mun encounter. Let alone Minmus or leave Kerbins SOI.
    There have been MANY challenges just like this one in the past and NONE ever reached an altitude much above 200km.


    I'm sorry but I guess you didn't read the part where I wrote: "pretty much impossible to do it in stock so you'll have to use MK2 Expansion for that sweet-sweet Scramjet engine." The craft only uses MK2 expansion parts and OPT wings. Or is there a rule that all challenges have to be doable in stock? 

  14. "How was I supposed to know that you kept all our rocket propellant, liquid oxygen, hydrazine, xenon and uranium next to my favorite barbecue spot?!?"

    *Somebody* blew up all of the rocket propellant reserves of the KSC and Jeb spent our entire budget for this quarter on who-knows-what so you'll have to make do with what we do still have; The gas drained from the cars in the parking lot. 

    Your goal is to explore the solar system using only air-breathing engines and less than 100 m/s of correction burns in orbit. This is mostly a modded challenge but if you want to have a go at it stock you're allowed to "bottle" some good-ole atmosphere aka. fill a tank's oxidizer approx. 1/15th of the way and use the rocket mode of the rapier engine.


    Allowed mods are:

    MK2 Expansion

    The wings and only the wings from OPT spaceplanes. Stock wings will overheat at these speeds so you will most likely need them, but pretty much all engines in the mod are ridiculously op so those are strictly forbidden.

    Anything that doesn't affect the performance of the craft like mechjeb or K.E.R.

    Joint reinforcement if you don't want to bother with auto struts.

    Mods that look to be balanced are allowed but there will be a different category for them. 



    -Your craft can only use air breathing engines for the majority of the acceleration. 

    -No cheating including the infinite EVA propellant.

    -If you're fully stock, you can burn more than 100 m/s with no penalty.

    -You can only fill oxidizer tanks to 1/15th of the way. If it can hold 150 you can only put 10 in it.



    Temporarily escape the atmosphere +10 points

    Orbit of any kind +100 points

    Orbit Kerbin +20 points 

    Land on Minmus +200 points

    Orbit Eve +250 points

    Land on Eve +150 points

    Orbit Duna +150 points

    Land on Duna +100 points

    Orbit Jool +150 points

    Land on Laythe +250 points

    Land on then get back into orbit from Laythe +300 points

    Land on Laythe then get back into orbit of Kerbin +500 points

    Land on Laythe and land on Kerbin +1000 points

    -2 points for every m/s of orbital burns after the allowed 100 m/s


    Will upload video of example mission soon here





  15. 22 hours ago, Wyzard said:

    That seems like more trouble than it's worth, not to mention pretty crazy

    Since when is pretty crazy a reason NOT to do something in KSP? :D Point is, (or rather would be if it wasn't a bad idea, see post below you) to make it worth the trouble. 

    17 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    Yes, giving it a cost will let you recover the asteroid for that cost... but no, it does not scale with size. That means you can only set one price, and it counts for every asteroid, no matter whether it's class A or class E.

    Additionally, if you start mining the rocks before recovering them, it becomes even more problematic. KSP's config files expect the cost given to be the total cost of the part including everything the part contains. No other field works like this, only cost does it for some arcane, unspecified reason. So whenever you make a part that contains a resource with a value (like, a fuel or something), then you need to add up the resource cost and the part's base cost and put the resulting sum in the config.

    Thus, with the asteroid, that means you need to set the cost so that the value of the ore is included in the cost that you hardcode into the config file/MM patch. And this makes everything go screwy. If you set it so that the cost of ore in a class A asteroid is included in the price, then recovering any empty-mined asteroid larger than class A will make you recover negative funds. If you set it so that the value of ore in a class E asteroid is included, then recovering any smaller asteroid (mined or not) will yield absurd amounts of recovery value. If you don't factor any ore in at all, even a class A will recover as nothing or negative funds if you mined it before recovery.


    Bottomline: you probably don't want to mess with this. :wink:

    Thanks for the detailed answer! I guess a contract could work but that seems like way too much work for something so insignificant. 

  16. So I know that this KSP\GameData\Squad\Parts\Misc\PotatoRoid part.cfg will get you to the asteroid config file and also that you can modify this 

    TechRequired = Unresearcheable -> tech node of your choosing
    entryCost = 0
    cost = 0
    category = none -> category of your choosing
    subcategory = 0 

    and get asteroids as parts in the VAB/SHP. Does that work with the cost and does it scale with the size? I don't want to go messing around with it, my game is already quite unstable as it is. 

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