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James Kerman

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Status Replies posted by James Kerman

  1. Starting all over again with KSP after not playing for many years... Good to be back! :)

  2. Content count 21 and I joined 21 hours ago :cool:

  3. 0AeQMVJ.png

    1. James Kerman

      James Kerman

      That's a magnificent screenshot. :o

  4. Profile Contact Methods only show "Array" on mine, instead of these:

    Is it the same for everyone else?

    1. James Kerman

      James Kerman

      Yes, I believe so. This is a bug caused by a recent forum update. The people who maintain our forum are aware and are working to resolve this issue.

  5. Heres a question i pose to any who wander by and notice: why does the location and interests portion of the profile read as “Array”? I do not have them set to say that yet they say it. Hmm

    1. James Kerman

      James Kerman

      It is a problem that was introduced with a forum update. The people who service our forum are aware of the issue and are working to remedy it.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Fun fact: Even if you mined up all the diamond on Jupiter and Saturn (and the rest of the solar system which is presumably just a rounding error by comparison), you'd only be able to make full sets of diamond armour for about a fifth of the word's Minecraft players. For reference:

    10 million metric tons / 526.5 kg = 18.993 million

    18.993 million / 91 million = 20.87%


    I have no idea why I calculated this, but I did

    1. James Kerman

      James Kerman

      Keep doin' what ya do, mate.

      [EDIT] I meant keep up the good work, Mate!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Fun fact: Even if you mined up all the diamond on Jupiter and Saturn (and the rest of the solar system which is presumably just a rounding error by comparison), you'd only be able to make full sets of diamond armour for about a fifth of the word's Minecraft players. For reference:

    10 million metric tons / 526.5 kg = 18.993 million

    18.993 million / 91 million = 20.87%


    I have no idea why I calculated this, but I did

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