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Posts posted by gazbach

  1. Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I'm noticing a discrepancy between weight of the part (using IFS), as reported by MechJeb's vessel info, and KSP's in-game engineer's report.
    MechJeb seems to be adding the mass as stated in the standard part parameters and ignoring the basePartMass  value. The latter is adding both together.

    Which one should I trust?


    Edit: After further testing, MechJeb seems to ignore the standard part parameters value if the part uses IFS. Setting that to 0 and setting the basePartMass to the desired pre-fuel mass gives the same weight in both MechJeb and KSP Engineer's report (tankMass is 0). I'm going to assume that this is the actual final weight for the purpose of Delta-V stats.

    Was the basePartMass supposed to override the default mass value?

    I only noticed this as I was tweaking a custom part file. NearFutureConstruction's truss set also uses IFS and had similar weight discrepancies when I checked.

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