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Everything posted by PHUZZYthecat

  1. Yeah, i've got a copy of the kerbal config files on my desktop.
  2. wait, what do you mean by clean install?
  3. While trying to find out why my b9 wasn't working, i accidentally found a cure for this. it may or may not work for you. have you installed the mod correctly? apparently(I didn't know this either) you're supposed to, instead of putting the whole mod folder in your ksp gamedata folder, put the bd armory gamedata folder in the ksp gamedata folder, without the rest of it. if that makes sense, and that works, you can thank me. if it doesn't oh well.
  4. wierdly enough, the only thing it worked on was BD. mabye I installed wrong again?
  5. wait, what? another part of it could have been that somehow(probably me not looking closely enough at what i was doing) firespitter ended up in the b9 gamedata folder. basicly what you're saying is, take the stuff in b9s gamedata folder, and put ti in the ksp gamedata folder? could that have been the problem with my bd armoury that v8jester worked on?
  6. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9y3_N-CuNN5bE8yQUZJYTBNM2c/view?usp=sharing thats the link. the size is 3mb, so it takes forever to load.
  7. OK, would docs work? I dont have much else to work with. if not plez suggest something.
  8. I cant see anything going wrong with b9 in the log, but maybe you could, if you would be so kind.
  9. what folder in the ksp main folder is it? the page dosn't explain it simply enough for my tiny brain.
  10. Sorry, i can be a little slow sometimes.
  11. I installed all of the three thingys for B9. I expected to find all of the fuselages and cargo bays, but all there is is the wings and command pods, which i find annoying for obvious reasons. also i might be running on 64 bit version. i'm on steam so does anyone know how to tell?
  12. why wont my fuselages show up in the SPH?
  13. never mind again, its just the fuselages, but still, can anyone help me? sorry about the B9 stuff, will do
  14. I just realized, that the same thing happens with pirated weapons technology/romfarer lazor systems, exept there isn't a blueish light where kerbin ought to be. is it just outdated? yeah me too. also, does anyone know why my B9 fuselages and wings wont show up?
  15. well, i'm running it on steam, but i've got the config files on my desktop, so does that help? also the version says 1.0.5 1028, so mines the same as yours, and i dont really know if i can uninstall it. also, it would take a lot of work.(ok mabye not so much, but i'm lazy.)
  16. nevermind. outdated version. but still, can anyone help me with my BD problem? V8jester? you seem to know a lot. suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  17. also, does anyone know why all my b9 wings and fuselages dont exist? i've only got command pods and engines.
  18. v8jester had a good suggestion, but it didn't work. has anyone else got an idea?
  19. no, thats not it. i tryed uninstallingmy mods other than bd, and it still crashed. thanks for the suggestion though. mabye bd just hates windows ten? does anyone else have a suggestion?
  20. why wont bd run on my computer. its windows ten, and all my other kerbal mods work fine, but when i install bd, it just completely crashes the game. the mod is amazing, but i want it to work on my computer.
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