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  1. I have KSP 1.0.5 on ubuntu. Recently I installed BD Armory and then PEW(Promethium Experimental Weaponry). The problem is, after install PEW, some missiles(maybe all of them, not sure), are also in the utility section, in addition to being in the BDA weapons section. How can I remove them from there? Thanks
  2. Never mind guys, I got it working. Looks like I only had to stop the first aircraft parallel to the runway!
  3. I want to have two aircrafts flying simultaneously. So I launch one aircraft and drive it out of the runway and then return to space center. But when I want to return, I get the message below: But I return to space center anyway and then SPH again and launch another aircrat. But then I get the message below: With options to either recover the last aircraft and launch the current one or abort the launch. I've also tried quicksaving the first aircraft and then launching a new one. The quicksave won't work on the ground so I get the first aircraft in air and then quicksave and go back to SPH to launch a new one. But when I want to launch it, I again get the message the the last aircraft is already on the runway. So I can't have two aircrafts simultaneously on air. But from what I've seen on youtube and also my own experience with having several spaceships simultaneously in orbit, this doesn't seem correct. So...what's wrong here? Thanks
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