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    Away studying the possible terraforming of Duna

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  1. Sorry Guys, I've been really busy with school and haven't had time to actually sit down and work on this mod, but I'm hoping that after finals that I am able to get a few hours to sit and continuously work on the mod. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still planning on working. If anyone wants to take over until may and get the development underway publicly, I would greatly appreciate that and am sure that others who are looking forward to a plant science mod would appreciate it too. Thanks for your patience.
  2. Thanks, Guys! I'll start finding a way to implement this stuff right away, so correct me if I'm wrong, but here's a list of potential data that could be collected/tested in the botany lab: -Seed Orientation: if the seeds aren't pointed toward the light source, they won't grow -Nutritional Content: what are the differences in composition in a plant grown in space to a plant grown on earth -Inability to grow: are there any species/family of plants that have always failed to grow in space, if so a similar species/family of kerbalized plants will be implemented into the mod -Atmosphere content: even if the atmosphere is ideal to begin with, constant exchange of gasses within the plant may make the mix less than ideal for the plants if not properly maintained -Germination: Are germination rates affected in space? Are the plants germinated in space as tough as plants germinated and matured on earth also @kerbiloid could you explain what you mean by having problems with capillary pipes?
  3. Hi KSP science community, Do any of you know any good articles on plant growth in space? I'm working on a mod for KSP called Kerbal Botany Expansion, which, as it sounds, adds plant science into KSP, but I really have no idea how plants grow in space or exactly how I want the plant study labs to work. I know that the science is going to be generated over time, but I am not exactly sure what should be said about the Plants at each different stage, If you have information on this topic, I would love to hear it and figure out a way to incorporate it into my mod! If you have ideas for my mod specifically, you may want to consider posting that in the development topic of my mod (Here). I would love to discuss applications of botany in space and how we can adapt it for KSP.
  4. I probably should have remembered to look at the wiki... Thanks!
  5. I started a topic on this in Add On Development, if you want to follow this. I dunno how to link it in this dicussion, but the topic is called Kerbal Botany Expansion. It is also under the tags kerbalthemartian, plantscience, and modding
  6. Okay, an update, I defined a bunch of resources and uploaded the CRP so, I have a start! Yay, one step at a time, right. I'm too scared to find out how the science files are written, trust me, its a bit intimidating, It says this right at the beginning: // WARNING! SPOILERS! // This file contains spoilers. If you don't want to have your surprises ruined, you should stop reading now. then this: // Seriously, it's a lot more fun to find this stuff out in the game. // Last chance to turn back. So I almost had the courage to spoil the experiments that I haven't done yet, but... I couldn't. So, sorry, anyone want to risk it for me? I figure the next step is making a tank to hold some of this stuff, then a science module with a "Generic Kerbal Plant" or a GeKeP, which is what I'll call it to keep things interesting. I'll make a module that uses fertilizer, carbon dioxide and water to generate science (I just realized I've spelled fertilizer wrong in every file I just created) this concludes my update
  7. I'll do as much of this as I can, but I can't do much by myself. If you have any experience, I would love help. Sorry about the lack of updates, I haven't had much time as I am a high school student, but I have a break coming up so some progress may be made soon. Thanks for the enthusiasm, I really appreciate it!
  8. Hi, I'm Clockwork, and I'm starting a mod on plant science based experiments. There are however a few problems with my endeavor to create a good mod, one of them being my inability to model and another being my complete lack of understanding of how to export a MU file from Unity. If you want to help me create some good models (I'm looking at all those blender magicians out there) you can just upload them to the github repository I created for this mod. If you understand how to make a MU file, PLEASE let me know! That is the only thing that I'm missing to make this mod a reality. Who doesn't want to grow potatoes on Dunna? Or Raddishes, (different from Radishes) in orbit of Kerbol? We've all wanted to get Jeb Stuck on Dunna Right? Then when you did it and realized that you were missing potatoes, all the fun was gone, right? Lets make this a reality, KSP community! I'm looking for recruits for the ClockworkModdingTeam (name subject to change) so if you want to be part of a modding group, this may be an option for you. You basically just need a GitHub account and Unity, and if you want to be a modeler, just whatever modeling software you prefer. There may be slight time difference on updates with this mod because I am in Korea, but since were all internet savvy here (or at least I hope we are ) it shouldn't be that much of an issue. This concludes my initial post on the development of the Kerbal Botany Expansion. Sorry almost forgot: Repository In GitHub Note: Modding is what a normal person does, and Moding is when you can't spell
  9. Thanks Guys! I'll start soon and post updates. If anyone wants to help that'd be great because I don't really know where to start. Thanks again!
  10. Thanks Streetwind and cxg2827, I've edited a few .cfg files and made a new resource, then modified the ion engine to run off of that resource, and then tweaked the thrust of the ion engine, I also made all of the basic 1.25m part fuel tanks hold the new fuel, and with the smallest one the craft with the mk 1 command pod and the altered ion engine had 12 km/s of delta v. That was mostly just messing around, but I think that I have a basic idea of what to do. The mods that I want to make are a space shuttle expansion that adds engines that can lock into a certain range of degrees from the center so that the thrust could point through the center of mass, and then change the range during flight. And the other mod that I wanted to make just added more science experiments, like a botany lab to get science from seeing how plants grew in the gravity and radiation from different parts of the Kerbol system, I'm not sure about the first one, but the second one I'm pretty sure how to do. I don't know how to get .mu files though, so if someone could explain that to me I would definitely appreciate it.
  11. Hello modding community, I don't know if I'm posting this in the right place, but I would like to start making mods for KSP. I really have no experience modding and the only thing that I've done is scratch in fifth grade, which was 2010, so I basically have no coding/scripting experience whatsoever. I'm really just asking for help getting started, so any tips would be great. Also, if any modding teams want to take on a newbie I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
  12. I think that there should be a multiplier for the use of the "deadly reentry" mod
  13. I've had first hand experience wih A-10s, and I've wondered blut the placement of the engines as well, but looking at pictures of it, the engines are actually very close to being in line with he (presumed) center of mass. If you're using pylons, I'd put them closer to the middle of the fuselage (very slightly off above) and at a very slight angle upward. The tops of the engines of the real A-10 are only very slightly above the top of the fuselge. I hope that description made sense! Good luck.
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