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Rhapo The Engineer

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  1. wouldn't it be cool to see a UFO or a alien on the ground but quickly disappears once and a while. Or maybe a few ruins of aliens a bit more often like a UFO trapped in ice or a alien space station orbiting Eeloo or Duna, something like that. Anyway, i think the aliens should be and abstract colour than a kerbals colour like purple or yellow. Maybe the aliens could be humans or something. I don't know i just wish there would be a bit more abstract events and objects when landing or flying.
  2. I was just thinking on what should be implemented into ksp. I was thinking a town or 2 and maybe road traffic. Also air traffic stuff like that. Maybe rival space programs like it was in the space race. Also some more scenarios and tutorials could have an effect on some new players than just learning from some poorly rendered YouTube videos.
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