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Posts posted by Effwon

  1. 1 I need a runway for all this...

    so to get it there, I need to get hyperedit... Where do I get it?

    2 After that, I need to make it cool and get life support mods and stuff...

    3 I need to re learn how to make cars and rovers because my old ones no longer work in the new release...

    4 I need to get A way to make enough power to light up 500 illuminator Mk2s.

    And To top it all, a way to build this all in one peice...

  2. On 14/07/2016 at 8:53 PM, Crocket said:


    Here's the RATS-M Workhorse, carrying the Anubis and a lifter I designed for it. The engines on the sides of the side tanks are to deorbit with (though I may not need them with how this thing flies :mad:). I usually launch at 66% thrust and go full throttle when the sides flame out.

    Reminds me of my Europa 1200 which used to have the same problem...

  3. On 14/06/2016 at 3:29 PM, Kuzzter said:

    Thank you! What a nice tribute.

    Seems fine on my end. Mail me your computer and I'll take a look at it :) 

    And for everyone else-- LAST CALL for any questions you think Gene should ask Wernher before I finish the Zwischenspiel!

    It is fine now.I think it might have been the internet glitching out.BTW I really like the zwischenspiel

  4. On 01/05/2016 at 10:54 AM, bewing said:

    Huh. On the status window after the explosion, is it saying that "the linkage between part X and part Y failed", when part X and part Y are not connected to each other? Is this a big rocket?

    Big rocket.Yes it does that but only after part A and B have the same message when they are connected.

  5. I was launching a new design and at around 12 000 m it exploded.My plans for getting it's paload to my space station were doomed.

    I decided to try again with an older design which never failed me.Same thing happened again.It isn't the payload because I have launched the same payload to a different space station and it was successfull.

    Anybody know what is going on?

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