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  1. I AM SO HAPPY!!!!! Now I must wait for BD Armoury and all the mods to update.
  2. Where? are the richochets. And I was thinking of a system that is in World of Tanks. There the richochets are based on thickness, angle and calibre. and is this mod for BD Armoury or not. EDIT: And on the viehcle.
  3. One thing I really want in this mod Is ricochets. A script could run something like that. When the shell or bullet hits a target with a weapon manager, the angle of the hit is calculated and then the heat resistance is taken into account. basically the angle to calibre to armour thickness ratio. The script would be pretty complicated but not too complicated. just a bit of division and scripting.
  4. This is just forward reminder to this mod's creator. I have tested this mod in KSP 1.1.0 and... it doesn't work, mabey it is just a bug that needs working out but it may cause the mod to not work at all. just a friendly warning.
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