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  1. As they wrote in the posts before yours, they're experimenting with a 1.1 branch. It's not yet finished, they're just using github for collaborating. 1.1 isnt ready, give it time.
  2. Aw crud :/ KAS/KIS are two of my favorite mods, so going a while without them is going to suck. I think I'll have to grab the hollandaise and see if I can make a temporary fix myself
  3. I do career mode like 95% of the time. Mostly modded Sandbox mode is fun, sure, but there's no real goals for me to go for. Because of this, I get bored with it quickly. Science mode has the same problem, even if it aint as bad there. Career tho. Contracts and managing funds (Even if I sort of cheat and go for 1.5-2x funds from missions) adds alot for me. And if you add some mods (Life support, among others), there's more of a challenge aswell, since you really dont want to lose your precious leveled up scientists and so on
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