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Everything posted by jbterminator

  1. Just discovered about now that there is no shoreline on Kerbin's ice caps. (Well there is but its like a mountain!). Gonna have to make a diving board on wheels and put it up in the arctic, then my Kerbals can have a cold beach party!
  2. I do like the infernal robotics mod but when I'm playing stock KSP, is there a way to move parts in different directions? For example: If i want wings on a plane to extend or retract from the fuselage or if I want rover wheels to compact and retract like the Mars Exploration Rover etc. Any ideas? Thanks.
  3. The one I named after myself. Though I'll take stupid pilots and engineers but the scientists have to have a low stupidity rating.
  4. I was thinking that there should be more scenarios added to the game, maybe more missions with impossible odds or trying to escape the atmosphere of Jool etc.
  5. I prefer career the most cause of having to balance funds and requirements for launching vessels. If i get bored then i go to science see how much i can unlock and relive the old moments when career mode was a thought. I only use sandbox for experimenting and/or goofing off.
  6. From the ksp planned features wiki, it showed that gas planet 2 is in development. So hopefully with this new 64 bit it might be released in the future after 1.2 but correct me if I'm wrong. But I most definitely agree that there should be more planets added, maybe an atmospheric moon or a black hole or something. Besides, I never visit Dres. (Well maybe once).
  7. Would be nice though to have the anomalies in space be something else other than asteroids, maybe some random part etc.
  8. Don't remember how much time it took but i tell ya, i was literally sweating at docking for the first time knowing that one false move could screw me up a bit. Now I can dock with not much trouble, even without rcs!
  9. Those new inflatable heat shields are gonna make it much easier for my rover and other nitnaks.
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