I started playing KSP a long time ago, and probably have close to 2000 hours. I stopped playing in 2017, and plan on start playing again. Hope to rejoin this community, and can't wait to see what comes next for KSP.!
This is a challenge of getting two asteroids to go together with a spacecraft in the middle, it will look like a dumbell. No Mods, Hacks or Hyperedit. Highest score wins Point System Getting one asteroid: 100 PTS Getting two asteroids: 250 PTS Matching Class size: 500 PTS Re-entering Atmosphere with both asteroids: 500 PTS Landing succesfully: 1000 PTS Relaunching the asteroids into a stable orbit: 5000 PTS Message me your time!
I am starting a space station to go on youtube. Please record your gameplay and upload it to youtube and message me. To sign up just say sign me up, and I'll let you have the save file. Thank you:D
I have started a youtube channel!!! it is called jebediah kerman, and i just uploaded my first video please go subscribe. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx1hWEHbtCk72LspnaMcX5Q/feed
This is a challenge of speed to the mun and back. No Mods please. Message me your score and you'll be ranked. Ranks according to time. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. Thank you for competing.