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Everything posted by Farhan

  1. Thank you thank you again everyone who gave their valuable opinions. But let me draw your kind attention to the fact that I have already done experimenting with rocket motors a few years back. I experimented with the KNO3 candy and it was not as easy in my place (Bangladesh) as it is in the west because first of all the materials are not cheap and second our weather is so humid that fuels got degraded in a matter of minute. I also had to use glycerin instead of Karo, kerosene stove and so on so forth. However knowing my situation you all could easily understand that I need as much information as possible from other experiments to reduce my hassels and costs as I am pretty sure that there have been much experiments done already. And I need to cut down unnecessary expenses and if any of you can estimate a rough calculation about the nozzle throat of a homemade motor I specified in my previous comment then I would be more than obliged. Thanks again.
  2. Thank you everyone, my hertiest gratitude. So let me specify, when I say a homenade rocket motor I mean more or less 100 gram of powdered KNO3-Sugar propellent stuffed into a 5 inch long PVC (dia 1/2 inch). I live in Bangladesh so everything is very much expensive and there is no such thing as readily available rocket motors. So I have to build everything from scratch. However I experimented with it before and I know the dangers. Apart from that experimenting with motors is very time consuming plus expensive and I am now giving attention to the airframe. So I need someone to tell me at least a rough estimation of nozzle throat so that it has enough thrust to lift itself off the ground rather becoming a stationary flair so that I can proceed with experimenting the body tube framing. Thank you.
  3. Hello everyone. My simple question is that how am I going to determine a nozzle throat diameter of any given homemade solid rocket motor?
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