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Article Comments posted by Terensky

  1. 3 hours ago, Thometheious said:

    I'm new to this forum, but have a concern. Is it just me or does It seem that the new patch has screwed with the rigidity of the stacks?  i played before the update today and everything was fine, but just a few minutes ago i got on and the rockets I've been using for the past few weeks without problems can't fly in a straight line anymore and wobble around like a snake. I even shorten them and still have the same problem.


    1 hour ago, Terensky said:

    I have the exact same problem.

    I'm playing a modded game though, do people playing stock have the same issue?


    related to this:

    bug 9583



    Tried reinstalling the game, deleting previous folders, stock:

    The issue is less pronounced building the ship anew, still the engine wobbles like crazy with SAS on.

    Thometheious, see if setting SAS on 'Pilot only' mitigates the problem: it does for me.


  2. 2 hours ago, Thometheious said:

    I'm new to this forum, but have a concern. Is it just me or does It seem that the new patch has screwed with the rigidity of the stacks?  i played before the update today and everything was fine, but just a few minutes ago i got on and the rockets I've been using for the past few weeks without problems can't fly in a straight line anymore and wobble around like a snake. I even shorten them and still have the same problem.

    I have the exact same problem.

    I'm playing a modded game though, do people playing stock have the same issue?


    related to this:

    bug 9583



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