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Everything posted by ZachIsCheese

  1. Lol IK about the MSL. But surely we should call it the. DSL as Duna Science Laboratory? Right?? No? No one feeling it?
  2. The best bit of the change log. And surely it should be DSL right???
  3. Laptops that last for ever on a charge. Seriously if you are going to have a laptop, at least show it being charged when its sitting at a desk. Otherwise I will call you out on it every time. Otherwise, it would be the whole thing around space ships. Its soooo bad.
  4. 1) Kerbal Engineer Redux and the Enhanced Navball. So useful! KER gives you all the figures you could ever want and Enhanced Navball does what it says on the tin. 2) Learn orbital mechanics. Seems dull, but it makes life SO easy. Yes you have to resort to the dreaded maths but it is a good thing to know. And also a good thing to say "Oh yeah I know how to calculate orbital mechanics". 3) Never assume you are correct. If you assume, it will go wrong. Trust me. 4) Never let a friend touch your universe unless they too are experienced with KSP. Otherwise say bye bye to your bases, ships and kerbals. 5) Increase the Conic setting thing in the settings menu. It allows you to predict so far ahead!
  5. Established a minmus base by accident. Tried to get a coms network on my Mac but the VAB don't do scroll wheel zoom for some asinine reason. *swear word* OS X. Also flew to eve with a friend watching to prove I can and to prove I can maths and do orbital mechanics stuff. All during my 200 mins of study.
  6. Just tried this. Did not help. Also followed this: https://www.tekrevue.com/tip/gatekeeper-macos-sierra/ still no luck.
  7. Help! KSP is refusing to load on my rMPB 2015 (13 in). It keeps getting stuck at loading asset bundle definitions on the loading screen. I have tried running the chmod 777 command and it has not helped at all. Please help! Thanks!
  8. Mine is a combination of two things. 1) My Name - I am Zach. I make stuff. I have a website at zachashton.me.uk 2) IsCheese - I asked a friend for a funny username and there was a joke going on between me and her (inside joke) and she suggested ZachIsCheese.
  9. I write code. Technically it's a job but I still do it as a hobby. I also build and mod computers like mad. Finally, I take photos and videos, as well as make motion graphics on my Flickr, Vimeo and YouTube channel.
  10. When you know the entire plotline of 5 animes from memory
  11. I have no idea why but I was watching Reusable Space Program ep 21 and saw the "Mun Train". I adapted this into some kind of train on Kerbin. Anyway, craft files available here. Note: it is very laggy, possibly due to the crazy number of parts. On my system, I was getting ~ 5-10 fps at the best (although it is an Athlon 860k with an R7 260x). Also a time lapse of it's creation because why not?
  12. I can't remember what it reminds me of but it reminds me of some project for school that I did once. Involving Kerbals and some other stuff.
  13. I have no idea bout the new loading screen. I want to see this!
  14. When, if ever, will we get an update to the KSP mug that includes Valentina on it? I would love this as I already have the first one (with Bill, Bob and Jeb on it). Any chance of this Squad?
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