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Everything posted by NotRealRocketScience

  1. Haha that is true . I also tought about doing some calculations about time dilation. Thanks to Einstein we know that Jeb should be a bit younger than everyone he left in the KSC due to his high velocitys, but he could also be even older due to him leaving the influence of gravity behind him for a loooong time, which would make him going through time way slower. So his 466+ years spaceflight could feel like a 800+ years space flight for Mission Control
  2. Actually I don't quite know. I guess my reentry velocity wasn't that high, as I already did another Aerobrake earlier, so I guess, even though there have been reentry flames, I was slow enough to deploy the chute.
  3. Once you are on a trajectory that'll leave the Kerbol System you'll reach a point where you just can't go any further, espacially because of the time it takes. The distances in that area are pretty huge and combined with the fact that you slow down a lot on your way to the apoapsis... I guess it's nearly impossible to go any further than the distance showed in the video. Just think about how long it takes to travel the distance between Jool an Kerbin and now imagine doing that with 100m/s orbital speed... But thank you for watching my video and the very positive feedback you gave me! Thank you very much! Yup, I'd have loved to see that EVA report.. But everytime I tried to get one leads to a game crash Wow, I am amazed by your postive feedback, I really didn't expect that.
  4. I am playing KSP for a while now and I always wondered what would happen, if you leave the Kerbol system. So I quickly planned a mission, where I would use 2 Eve slingshots to catapult myself out of the suns spheare of influence. I created a small video in which you can see what I found there... I'd really love to here comments from you guys!
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