On starting KSP, the game gets stuck on on the first 'loading' screen (the one with the three Kerbals), forever loading the first parrt from this pack it gets to. I dropped the individual part folders into the parts directory. Am I missing something? EDIT: I noticed, on looking into the stock part folders, that they contain several files that mod\'s folders do not. For instance, the stock 'liquidengine1' folder contains two folders, 'mesh' and 'textures, and two files, 'liquidEngine.DAE' and 'part.cfg'. The mod\'s '\KSP_win_0_13_2.zip\NP_Alt_Configs\engines\NP_Balanced0_6a\NP_1mliquidengine_K2X\' folder, however, only contains a 'part.cfg' file. Is this intended, or did a file go missing somewhere along the way? EDIT2: Oops, I just realized that the 'Alternate Configs' download contains ONLY the alternate config files, and is not a slightly modified version of the base mod. Again, oops.