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  1. I really enjoyed this mod but Sciencie from lab dont give funds/rep Maybe the solution is: EventData<ScienceData, Vessel, bool> GameEvents.OnTriggeredDataTransmission = new EventData<ScienceData, Vessel, bool>("OnTriggeredDataTransmission") static Event called when a triggered data transmission fully completes. Used in special transmissions such as those from the science lab.
  2. Bien, esa es la filosofía, ahora solo te queda hacer un droneship a lo "i still love you" y la dificultad pasará a ser modo hardcore jajaja
  3. A mi me pasó exactamente lo mismo en la versión anterior y el stock bug fix no me funcionó. Tube que ir tocando los archivos de guardado .sfs porque el problema es que el juego decia que una parte estaba en un dock que no habia nada y se habia guardado en otro vacio y al intentar desacoplar, no hacia nada. Tras varios tutoriales pobres (hay poca información de esto) y comparando con un save anterior que funcionaba bien, conseguí arreglarlo. Me llevo toda una tarde entera... Has tenido suerte! PD: cuando a mi me pasó tenia solo el Methjeb.
  4. Hi, Im trying to change the polar angle but i cant found the value of polar angle (MJ or KER), dont confuse with the inclination (0/180 equatorial, 90/270 polar), see the picture to know what i mean. Anybody knows to found this value? Thanks
  5. Idk, try to select/deselect all options in settings, update graphic card drivers, reinstall ksp, try your ksp in other computer... It works for me.
  6. exactly this https://media.giphy.com/media/xT1XGI3aeYSy1wMnQI/giphy.gif (from autor of post) KSP crash without error in VAB
  7. guys, i found a possible fix after trying all of things to make my ksp playable (it works for me), just deselect "PPFX" from setings->graphics at main menu. Tell me if it fix works for u or was accidental (magical fix maybe)
  8. Same crash at 1.1.2 unmodded. Frequency of crashes increased in a advanced carrer mode to build big rockets in VAB, this issue starts to make my KSP unplayable. I hope it is solved soon.
  9. awesome! 15.2 works fine and KSPedia pages seems cool! it would be good to add the min/best/max altitudes for scanners in KSPedia, sometimes i cant remember that during a flight
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