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  1. Fantastic! I've generated new service files for the Haskell client to be compatible with this version.
  2. Thank you for your work! This mod in combination with KScale create a very satisfying experience. Do you plan to restrict throttling for some engines in future versions ?
  3. Thank you for this mod, it brings the necessary balance when playing with real fuels (stock-alike config feels over-powered). Unfortunately, it does not seem to work with 1.1.3 at the moment. Edit: I downloaded the last version of Kopernicus and now it's working in 1.1.3, awesome!
  4. Actually, that was my mistake : I added 'required' to everything that wasn't already annotated but it turns out the correct annotation is in fact 'optional'. If that's ok, I have suggestion about the .proto file : since most fields are 'optional', the generated code checks for the presence of all these fields all the time. I think setting fields that are always present to 'required' will result in simpler code and possibly smaller messages. However, such changes will break compatibility with existing clients. It might also be possible to merge some fields together. For instance, in the 'Response' message, both fields 'error' and 'has_error' are implicitly declared 'optional'. The two could be merged in one single 'optional' field that is present only if there was an error. Let me experiment a little longer with the client I'm writing and, if you'd like, I'll contribute what I have on github.
  5. Thanks djungelorm but I think I figured out why I wasn't able to parse messages. It seems that, since protocol buffer v3, all fields are optional by default. I assumed the default would be 'required' since some messages in the krpc.proto file would not make sense without some fields (take 'Argument' for example). With proper annotation in krpc.proto, I was able to generate code that could parse replies from KRPC. Now that this is done, the fun part begins.
  6. Hey, I'd like to thank you for this awesome idea. I've been trying to implement a client in Haskell for the past few hours but it seems there's little support for protocol buffers v3 yet in the two dominant Haskell libraries. I've followed your very nice example in python to do a simple GetStatus request. The server seems to understand the request fine (I can see the mod's version in ASCII somewhere in the binary I receive) but I am unable to parse the response for now. I might have to fall back to using the C++ library from Haskell. I've never worked with google's protocol buffers before so the following question might seem dumb : is there any chance you could provide a v2 .proto file ?
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