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Everything posted by cueceleches

  1. This is my Duna Space Station... it´s ugly and keeps expanding by contracts every so often... at least it´s functional!
  2. Today I managed to launch this base in one single flight and landed on Dres. I guess I will have to tweak the launcher as it wobbled quite a bit at every node execution. Maybe those two reaction wheels on the base are badly place?
  3. Same here... randez vous are working fine, but advanced transfers are failing continously.
  4. Hi! I´ve got a contract to expand an outpost I have on Minmus, and add more habitats for kerbals, a large amount of monopropellant and an auxiliary lab. But I don´t even know if with the actual configuration of my outpost I can even do it... I´ll leave an image to show how it is at the moment... Thanks for the help! http://
  5. Thank you all for the help... I´ve tried both Vernors and simple RCS thrusters and those ones do the trick quite nicely, though I had to add a couple of monopropellant tanks. In fact I had quite a bunch of reaction wheels on top of the big fuel tanks, but they weren´t able to rotate my ship fast or acurately enough.
  6. Hello! I´ve been playing KSP for a couple of mopnths already...I´ve managed to land on quite a few planets and moons, but now almost all my contracts are focused on the Jool system. So, I´ve built a quite heavy rocket, which gives me some near 12.000Dv to reach Jool and its moons and be able to land and return form there. The problem is that while in LKO, the rocket translates way too slowly, and it gets frustrating. Which is the best way to make it more maneuverable? Should I place some RCS thrusters, and in this case, do they need some propellant tanks? Which would be the best place for those thrusters? I post an image of the rocket in order to get an idea of what I have... Thanks a lot for the help! http://
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