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  1. Thanks guys! Checked and downloaded it remotely when I saw mtpatane's response. Just got back from work and starting up KSP now with a big smile! Will report any errors, bugs, and gremlins which might pop up. Thanks again for the good news!
  2. Have seen quite a few posts here and in other threads about various issues seen with missing data transmission options and Remote Tech, and have faced this since first using Remote Tech (which wasn't until I installed 1.1, incidentally). Am turbo new to any Kerbal modding, so wanted to share my hack which seems to be effective "enough", in case it will break something big which I'm unaware of. All I did was remove this line from all MM .cfgs - !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} Please correct me if I'm wrong on these notions: 1.) The only negative effect from this as a workaround would be the unexpected ability to transmit data via an antenna out of its connection range and/or angle, as long as there were an alternate antenna with a working connection. 2.) For my missing data transmit issue at least, would reckon this indicates failure is due to misconfig or issue in MM adding the needed %TRANSMITTER nodes to parts? (first post ever ever, dun make me cry!)
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