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  1. Hello First let me say I have no idea what I am doing but I am not a dumb ass. So my problem is that right now during launch with mods I am getting 0 to 2 FPS and time at normal speed but its running 11 seconds actual to 1 game time. So I am wondering if there is anything that can help me in anyway possible. Now I know most of you are going to say build a smaller rocket but I have a bet running on this and I dont want too anyways. Its 1288 parts sorry. I have tried 64bit mods in windows and Linux but none of them have worked at all or at least dont let me use more of the computers resources. The list of 64bit mods I have tried are listed bellow and even when I use the KSP 64 bit "beta?" from the start menu I get the same problem and shows in the task manager as 32bit. Now honestly I have no idea why I downloaded most of these and will be removing some of them but crucial ones would be all the Space X, Space Y and MechJeb because I am still learning space flight. Now the mods I am running may be part of the problem but I have tried to fly my rocket with no mods installed and got the same result as with them installed. The list of mods I have are the following: Space X Brage lander 1.0, SpaceX Landing Legs 1.0.2, SpaceY-Lifters-1.11.2, SmokeScreen-, MechJeb2-, SpaceShuttleEngines-2.2.0, AdjustableLandingGear-v1.2.0, SixSeatMk3cockpit-, KerbalKonstructs-, CommunityResourcePack-, SpaceY-Expanded-1.1.5, KlockheedMartian-Gimbal-, ModuleManager-2.6.20, InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core-1.18, SixCrewScienceLab-, BDAnimationModules-v0.6.2: For my PC usage I am using about 1.5 GB out of my 16 GB and only 8% max on the CPU. For my PC I am running windows 10 and specs are the following: 5960x @ 4.2 ghz, 16GB of 2400mhz quad channel DDR4, GTX980, and a SSD. I need help in anyway possible so I can see my rocket fly. I would add pictures but the form wont let me. Thank you for your time Alex, Ablecoh, Bishop
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