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Everything posted by Habasch

  1. I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug or I can't figure out how to properly use the Gantry Rail. I slightly remember this already happening before 1.1, so it probably doesn't have anything to do with the update. Basically the Gantry Rail moves everything attached to the second side-node just as it would move anything attached to the moving node. This webm shows this on a small test model. Premiere Pro decided to render it awfully (but still really big), however it should be clear what I mean. Am I misunderstanding the concept of the Gantry Rail or is there actually something wrong?
  2. This has happened without the most recent hotfix you posted today: The Servo Controls screen didn't update properly. When creating a new group (this time moving parts via the arrow buttons) in flight, the group will be set in the Editor Window but the Servo Control Window will only show the previously existing groups. When going back to the space center and then resuming the flight, the groups appeared properly. Once it randomly updated during flight, but I can't say how I got it to update. Side note: The parts in each group and deleting groups are updated instantly, only creating new groups isn't.
  3. The UI seems to run pretty fine so far. The drag & drop functions are superb. Only bug I ran into is that groups are not saved. To reproduce simply create or edit a group, then change a property (speed, acceleration, ...) on a robotic part. All parts will be moved to the first default group and all created groups are deleted. Same happens when going from VAB to launch. A minor bug (that doesn't have any influence on gameplay) is the texture of the buttons 'Toggle Positive Movement' and 'Toggle Negative Movement' on the 'Servo Controls'-Panel during flight. When clicking either button the parts in the group start to move and the button's texture changes. When clicking either of the other movement buttons (eg. 'Hold to move to default position') the original toggle movement action is stopped. However the button will keep it's toggled texture. This doesn't happen when clicking 'Stop' or the other toggle movement button, as the button's texture is reset in those cases. The parts themself seem to work fine, as far as I tested.
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