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  1. I don't want to throw out negativity, I'll start by saying overall 1.1 looks great however I am disappointed. You'd think someone in testing would have mentioned that you cannot get clear readable text in the game now. It doesn't matter what resolution I try or how I set the new "UI Scale" the text is simply well... Blurry maybe? I can't really describe what is wrong with the text, it is just simply unreadable no matter what I put my graphics settings and "UI Scale" at. I have heard that this was an issue with past version but I've been playing for a while now and the text was never an issue for me before. You need a lot of data to build and fly these rockets effectively, if I can't read said data then the game will be to the level of unplayable. Here is hoping for a fix because KSP is awesome! EDIT: I've looked around and I am not the only one to mention this so it is not just some fluke
  2. I don't want to throw out negativity, I'll start by saying overall 1.1 looks great however I am disappointed. You'd think someone in testing would have mentioned that you cannot get clear readable text in the game now. It doesn't matter what resolution I try or how I set the new "UI Scale" the text is simply well... Blurry maybe? I can't really describe what is wrong with the text, it is just simply unreadable no matter what I put my graphics settings and "UI Scale" at. I have heard that this was an issue with past version but I've been playing for a while now and the text was never an issue for me before. You need a lot of data to build and fly these rockets effectively, if I can't read said data then the game will be to the level of unplayable. Upon looking around I find I am not the only one having this issue so it is not just a fluke. Here is hoping for a fix because KSP is awesome!
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