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Posts posted by killamatrix243

  1. You wouldn\'t explode in a vacuum.

    you woulden\'t but if you hold your breath in space with no spacesuit then this leads to explosive decompression in your lungs and that would be pretty painful woulden\'t it?
  2. that movie was....FUCKED UP! i don\'t get why they though anderson was infected,but now i lost hope of becoming an astronaut ;\'( then again i might go to the moon in a few years when NASA develops the Ares Rocket :)

  3. I\'m sorry, but people that do this sort of thing REALLY piss me off. 'Oh, hey, I have an idea. Can I have a bunch of people spend large amounts of their free time working on it for me, while I take the credit for the idea and design?'

    If you want to make addons, get the skill to make them yourself. Learn.

    geez man,no need to be a dick
  4. Let me demonstrate;

    Guy 1: Kracking rocket!

    Guy 2: Lol... That\'s funny!

    A thousand times later...

    New guy: *Has brilliant idea, stick a K in front of something! \'Cause its Kerbal! No-one will have thought of that!* Hi, I built a Koyager satellite!

    Old guys: *Sigh*

    That second section happens several times a week...

    *EDIT* But kracking rocket mate!

    thanks for the advice ;)
  5. Personally, don\'t use the K infront of everything, its a good way to get everyone hating you, alongside not taking advice. Also overreacting like you just did, seriously, you look stupid when your doing that, so please don\'t.

    people will hate,people won\'t hate,i don\'t care what people thing its like,if somebody said that your mom was a french harlet would you care?i woulden\'t because people don\'t know me or my mother,thanks for the advice but i can handle my own
  6. Well this mission was to land kerbonauts on the mun....

    Mission Status:Failed

    Report:The kerbonauts of this project were brave,but that never kept them alive they flew to the moon and tried to land,but because of the gemini pod\'s weight the rockets could not give a powerful boost to keep them alive of at least let them escape.

    Crew Status:Upon them landing on the surface of the moon they came in too fast and crashed,nobody survived the landing,if anyone did which i doubt we might not have a way to help them

    Can we please have a moment of no posting *plays united states of kerbarica national antiem* :\'(

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