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Riton Lafouine

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Everything posted by Riton Lafouine

  1. Today, i finished to assemble that munar station, The Lander and the 2 science containers are docked. The 2 sciences containers are probes that can return on kerbin to bring max science of the experiments of the lander and grab most of the science from the mun. Unfortunatly, i mistaken and brought Jebediah ... i wanted him on kerbin, and avalaible for great missions, there is also one engineer in the station that has nothing to do there, so, next step is moving staff ... this could have not happend and KSC staff manager will be spanked ! i'm quite proud of the design inside the fairing, i could embend the lander and the 2 probes on the same stage. The lander is about to dock. The probe approaching the station, lot of RCS power for a so small probe ! The station finished with a pretty view on kerbin and mun surface. Thanx for reading this !
  2. Today, I fueled my Munar outpost. The station is dedicated to launch a science lander to the mun, can be manned with 4 kerbals but still, there will be 1 pilot and 1 scientist to reset experiments. The right end docking port will be for the lander. The 2 other Jr Docking ports will be for unmanned science container probes wich will return science to Kerbin. Bringing the 2 orange tanks was a pain and after trying yesterday to haul both of them with a tug unsuccesfully, i decided to bring them one by one. The first tank arrived with exactly 0 M/s DV in main engine tank at 200m of the station, but for the second, i had to enable crossfeed and use a bit of fuel from the orange tank. First tank approaching of the station Both tanks were docked successfully ***Edit*** Wonder how to post images on this forum !!!??? insert other media seems not to work for me ***Edit*** I had to copy/paste the BBCode .... inserting the link does not work for me ... at least you can enjoy the pics !
  3. might be simple things for most of you ... (when i see that monorail i just say WOW !) Made a 3 x satcom relay on a keostationary orbit ... and then realized it was useless ! Then, i sent kinda sat with science experiments around Minmus. This satellite is in 2 parts and there is a small probe that can return science to kerbin in a science container ... did it several times because i kept on failing aerobraking. The sat remains around Minmus because it has a relay antenna that can be usefull later Afterwards, i sent first section of a 4 Kerbal manned outpost around mun dedicated to collect science from a re-usable lander and refuel it. Fuel tanks will be attached next time i play. I will also dock more of those science container probes ... so i can get max science conversion from that lander. I aim to drain the whole ground mun science that experiments i unlocked can get ! The outpost also have a relay antenna and will be part of a 100 Km munar orbit network relay
  4. I know i did not had to ... But i started a new career in 1.2 pré-release and just wanted to say ! The work made is awesome. Did not yet test for coms but i'm almost there ... Can't wait the Final release !!!
  5. Edit your settings.cfg anf find those lines. Edit the number between 0 and 1. 0.5 is halved, 0 is no stress. I set mine at 0.1 just to be safe. WHEEL_WEIGHT_STRESS_MULTIPLIER = 1 WHEEL_SLIP_STRESS_MULTIPLIER = 1
  6. and what science instruments does it carries ? Nice idea to have a dedicated subassembly for this
  7. you mean you have to pay 300 science to do a scan ?
  8. Oh thx, i'll have a try with this one for training features
  9. I did train landing with plane on KSC runway ... lots of crashes, i still suck at that, improved my planes construction skills. Grabbed some remaining science around KSC. Then, i constructed a wacky vehicule between rocket and plane designed to fly verticaly. Lotta crashes, lotta fun ... got more work on this blueprint !
  10. you can choose 32 bits and 64 bits in launcher settings ... at least for Microsoft OS ... i dunno for others.
  11. Thanks, that's what i finally did, Working fine but landing gears still messing as i see ... after the 90s on runway, they explode ... fast takeoffs and landing absolutly necessary
  12. Hi, is it normal that i can't update with the patcher ? Button is greyed out. I might be wrong, but i'm sure i red in comments that a few guys updated with the patcher. Any advice ?
  13. LT-2 Landing struts keep on exploding my landers as soon as they touch the ground (even on the launchpad)
  14. Hi, Got the same problem. I bought the game on the store, and the download link does not appear. According to the FAQ i Emailed support but still no link. I Hope they move, i can't wait going into space ! (i actually do but ...)
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