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Everything posted by SharpEdge

  1. I just bought KSP when 1.1 launched. I was excited to create a space plane empire. Rockets bore me. Turns out vanilla KSP really doesn't like my Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro 2. It slams all the axis to the extreme left or right, even when I'm not touching the stick. This mod seems to *almost* fix it. But only when I'm applying input to the stick. When I apply any input to the stick it functions as expected. When I return to a neutral point, it slams all the axis to the extremes and I spin out of control. Known bug? Am I missing something? Edit: Hilariously, the axis acts normal when my mouse is over any AFBW menu in flight mode, even when my stick is neutral. When I mouse over the game space, it flips out.
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