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Cap'n Brodie

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Everything posted by Cap'n Brodie

  1. No problem - I can confirm that the issue ONLY occurs when both mods are installed. Whn only one of them is installed it saves/loads fine.
  2. Thanks very much! KSP 1.2.2 Mods (I normally use a few, but for the purposes of testing this issue, the problem occurs 100% of the time using no other mods than Kop/KSS. Kop. 1.2.2-2 KSS .4 Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5y7o7fkvvzjy32i/logs.zip?dl=0 Procedure: Fresh install Add mods per instructions Launch ship, place in circular 73km orbit Save and close KSP Saved Logs (Post Save) Launched KSP Loaded Save Ship was now in suborbital trajectory Exited KSP Saved Logs (Post Load) Thanks again for taking a look
  3. Hello - I'm not sure if this would be better answered here or with the specific mod thread I'm trying to use. The problem I am having is that for me and at least one other person on this forum, KSP is not properly loading saved games when using Kopernicus/KSS. For example, I will put a ship into a low kerbin orbit and when the game is saved and then loaded the ship is in a lower suborbital trajectory. Ships in orbit of Mun simply disappear with the crew killed. Basically, the positions of ships are not loaded correctly. This happens 100% of the time. I can provide very detailed examples if it would help, but I'm not sure if it would be best to ask here or not. This is happening in a completely vanilla KSP 1.2.2 with Kop. 1.2.2-2 and KSS .4 - no other mods at all.
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