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Everything posted by wheels27

  1. I started using this Blender add-on to convert my .craft files into .stl files for 3d printing. Therefore, the colliders are not necessary and just clutter up the Blender file. I was looking through the import_craft.py file and noticed some commented out lines (256 and 257) that seem to delete the colliders. if "coll" in obj.name or "COL" in obj.name or "Col" in obj.name or "fair" in obj.name and 'KSP' not in obj.name: # if it is named anything to do with collider, I'll have none of it obj.hide = True # gtfo obj.hide_render = True # really gtfo (don't even render) #object.select = True # and if I'm really mad #bpy.ops.object.delete() # I could just delete it if obj.type != 'EMPTY': # and if it is a mesh (the empties have already been hidden, so this is a double-tap on them)... print(obj.name + " Hidden\n") # ...let me know I un-commented them and crafts failed to import properly and the result is different each time I try. Thoughts anyone?
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