"I thought one of the reasons they choose against LFTR in the olden days was it wasn't good for generating material for bombs. Could be wrong about that though."
Sorensen says that the LFTR will have a positive effect on "Proliferation". He points out that the plutonium produced by LFTRs is mostly Pu238 which is not fissile and is the most valuable element on earth (~$8,000,000 per kilogram).
Sorensen explains that LFTRs breed fissile U233 which can easily be extracted from the reactor salts by bubbling Fluorine through the FLIBE. This U233 would be a superb material for making bombs but for the fact that it is contaminated with U232 which emits energetic gamma rays that are easy to detect. These gamma rays destroy sensitive electronics based on semiconductors.
What Sorensen does not mention is that one can get weapons grade U233 from LFTRs using (inexpensive) chemical separation. LFTRs are superb reactors for creating nuclear bombs. LFTRs create Protoactinium 233 which can be chemically separated from the FLIBE. Pa233 converts to U233 with a half life of 27 days.
While I like Sorensen, I would like him much more if he did not try to sweep this problem under the rug.