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Vienna - Austria
astrophysics - engineering
why does matter excist? Because there wasnt enough anti-matter XD the only question for me (or the main question of humankind) is, what will happen to me if im dead? Better said, what happens to my awareness (soul)? endstation? reincanation? ...? maybe then we get closer to the answere to the question "why starting?" But its disastrous to aks questions like, is everything just my imagination? Because if so, there is no "we" anymore, just "me". Or a much better example: jump into fire! (dont do it really!!!) and lets see if its just your imagination or mine. think about humankind knowledge about the universe could be wrong at all. Its like the fish in his bowl. the fish never gets a "real" view of the world outside. but maybe we dont need to know how galaxies work. better the scientists force their knowledge and solve problems which threaten our existence.
1.1 64bit always crashing
Krobinson replied to eroglu994's topic in KSP1 Technical Support (PC, modded installs)
exactly the same here. just unplayable -
i use acronyms for my divisions: and same for missions. For example, Kerbin high orbit particles OBServatory K-OBS and the operator wld be KSCI, funded by SMD.
The universe is a self- organizations system and follows the laws of nature. Live is a dissipative imbalance. If matter lies inside an energie flow it could form simple structures, followed by comlpex and finaly living things. But only under a massive count of coincidences (bottleneck theorie's) Time and Space building the spacetime which einstein maybe intepreted correctly (einsteins theories are damn good checked) Thought is not physical (maybe). "How to be John Malkovich knows only John Malkovich" But its interesting that certain "neardeath"-stories from humans said they saw a bright light. -> travelling with speed of light would distort your view into something like a bright light dot in front of you and darkness around. (just sayin) The big bang(s) is caused by itself. Because everything fluctuate, like the quantum theorie tells us, the universe was born by itself. Something was homogeneously and cause this fluctuations something happened. For sure this are theories but thats the todays knowledge.
Another space agency documentation. Major Goal: Unlock all Technologies and create meanwhile an solar exploiting Society. Always in thought of financial/possible aspects and secure travelling. Starts from the beginning, is well structured and documented (not every tiny Mission is posted here). Standard boundary conditions & mods (list available) to play realistically. Agency Structure: Kerbin Aeronautics and Space Administration - KASA division tag description Kerbal Exploration and Operations Directorate - KEO Space Launch Systems SLS lifter development Advanced Spacecraft Systems ASS spacecraft prototype developing & demonstrating Space Communication and Navigation SCaN communication systems Space Life and Physical Sciences Research SLPSR scientific research in support of manned space flight Launch Services LS support for other directorates & commercial sector Science Mission Directorate - SMD Research Technology RT technology development Kerbin Science KSCI research-observation related to Kerbin Planetary Science PSCI planets exploration Astrophysics ASTRO discover the universe Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate - ARMD Advanced Air Transport Technology AATT aircraft development Leading Edge Aero Research LEAR aircraft-concepts development - VTOL's - UAV's Airspace Technology Demonstrations ATD technology developing & demonstration Flight Demonstrations and Capabilities FDC support for other directorates & commercial sector Each Division supports Programs to receive an allocation of income and expenses. Programs consist of several Missions to achieve their goals. Programs and Missions will be partially skipped (apart major goals). As long as up to a status, as the current progress is achieved. ... to be continued (multiple mods are not updated so far)
Hello C, First a quick replay. I normaly use 20-30 mods and i love to reenact real missions aso., for sure in career. Fastly i lost overview and i started to document/record my missions.This escalated totally and finaly i made this: (see below, the tab was from an early start) This Tabs are structured in sheets "overview sheet" where i see programms stats/finances "Mission control" where i document every launch + some stats "Parts" where i document lifter, which are saved as own vessels in the vab/sph (faster way to attach them to created vessels), also airplanes aso. + stats and a few other ones. But before i could start trough my savefile is corrupt cause the 1.1 update but im ready for a new career. My list of mods i will use is already finished. Now my big question/request to modders: Is it possible to insert such tabs, connected to Money flow aso.? I'm anoyed from shift-tabing to Excel and back ^^ Kerbin Aeronautics and Space Administration KASA directorate / division tag short description finances Kerbal Exploration and Operations KEO manned space travel & satellite services 297.192 Kerbal Space Travel KST spacecraft development 297.192 Space Life and Physical Sciences Research SLPSR space life research Space Communications and Navigation SCaN space communication Launch Service LS launch services Science Mission Directorate SMD science 17.872 Kerbin Science K-SCI kerbin exploration 17.872 Planetary Science P-SCI solar system exploration Astrophysics ASTRO universe exploration Finances Space Technology Mission Directorate STMD technology 37.931 is calc invests Space Flight Systems SFS rocketry research -39.981 389.196 Technology Research Grants TRG space technology for KASA & commercial sector should calc win Technology Demonstration Missions TDM mature laboratory-proven technologies to flight-ready 77.912 334.012 difference calc capital I 55.184 389.196 credits running calc capital II Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate ARMD aeronautics & air transport services 31.017 55.184 334.012 Advanced Air Transport Technology AATT aircraft development 31.017 effective capital Commercial Supersonic Technology CST supersonic aircraft development 334.012 Airborne Transport Service ATS air transportation services open to book facilities costs 75.000 Program Chronologie directorate division program name tag description status finances Total launches / Successes / Failures KEO KST Kostok Program Kostok manned rocket tests & spaceflights completed 297.192 4 3 1 Kemini Program Kemini practice space rendezvous and EVA's in planning SLPSR Space Laboratory Spacelab space station for long time research and experiments in planning SCaN Kerbin Orbiting Relay Equipment KORE communication satellites network under development Kelstar Communications Kelstar dish antenna satellites for communication up to Kerbins SOI in planning LS SMD K-SCI Kerbin Ground, Sea & Air Experiments GSA environmental data via modules installed in Kostok vessels completed 23.436 2 1 1 Upper Atmosphere Particle Study UAPS studying the upper atmosphere completed -5.564 2 1 1 Orbital Particles Study & Recovery Program OPSR recover experiments from kerbins LKO & HKO under development Kerbin Orbital Observation Satellite KOBS observer at LKO-HKO border in planning Surface Mapping Program SMAP altimetry & biome scanning in planning Resource Distribution Analysis RDA resource scanning in planning Landsat Program Landsat imagery kerbin with satellites in planning P-SCI Mün Exploration in planning Kioneer Program Kioneer flybye missions to make first surface pictures & transfer tests in planning Minmus Exploration in planning Kioneer Program Kioneer flybye missions to make first surface pictures & transfer tests in planning ASTRO Kexplorer Program Kexplorer series of space exploration vessels in planning STMD SFS Sub-Orbital Rocket Program SOR rocketry research & lifter development for sub orbital missions completed -39.981 12 6 6 Kerbol Lifter Class Kerbol lifter development on-going Kelter Lifter Class Kelter lifter development in planning TRG Kutnik Probe Core Generations Kutnik probe core development on-going Kostok Kostok P capsule prototype development completed Kemini-Kerbol KK-P capsule prototype + lifter development under development TDM Kutnik Missions Kutnik first communication satellite technology demonstration completed 121.068 2 2 Kostok Prototypes Kostok P testing the Kostok vessel completed -43.156 2 2 Kemin-Kerbol Prototypes KK-P testing the Kemini capsule & lifter under development ARMD AATT Kupolev Aircraft Class K multipurpose planes on-going 31.017 CST ATS KSC Mission Control unmanned mission operator type target core modules system outcome notes remarks SOR 1 SFS probe sub orbit Kutnik 1 C0 SOR failed rocketry research rocket flipped SOR 1-A SFS probe sub orbit Kutnik 1 C0 SOR success rocketry research SOR 1-B SFS probe sub orbit Kutnik 1 C0 SOR failed rocketry research rocket flipped SOR 1-C SFS probe sub orbit Kutnik 1 C0 SOR failed rocketry research core malfunction SOR 2 SFS probe sub orbit Kutnik 1 C0 SOR failed new konzept rocket flipped SOR 2-A SFS probe sub orbit Kutnik 1 C0 SOR success rocketry research turn at 20km SOR 3 SFS probe sub orbit Kutnik 1 C0 SOR success raised cargo weight Kutnik 1 TDM comsat sub orbit Kutnik 2 C01 Kerbol I partial success first comsat in orbit orbit is stable / probe dont deorbit Kutnik 2 TDM comsat sub orbit Kutnik 2 C01 Kerbol I success reaching HKO Kostok P1 TDM vessel low atmo Kutnik 1 C0 Kostok success vessel test Kostok P2 TDM vessel low atmo Kutnik 2 C0 Kostok success parachute, g-force test UAPS 1 K-SCI probe upper atmo Kutnik 1 C0E2 SOR 2 failed upper atmosphere materials study battery malfunction UAPS 2 K-SCI probe upper atmo Kutnik 1 C0E2 SOR 2 success equal to UAPS 1 OPSR 1 K-SCI probe sub orbit LKO C01E123 under development LKO experiment recovery OPSR 2 K-SCI probe sub orbit HKO C01E123 under development HKO experiment recovery KORE SCaN comsat C01(4) under development communication relay satellite KK-P1 TDM&SFS vessel LKO C01 under development vessel test manned mission operator type target modules crew system outcome notes remarks Kostok I KST capsule low atmo - 1 Kostok success manned vessel test Kostok II KST&KSCI capsule upper atmo GSA 1 SOR P1 abort sea landing test / GSA transport upper atmo not reached Kostok II-A KST&KSCI capsule upper atmo GSA 1 SOR P2 success sea landing test / GSA transport Kostok III KST capsule sub orbit - 1 SOR P3 success first kerbal in space 100km suborbital flight airborne mission operator type target modules crew aircraft outcome notes remarks K-1 AATT plane - - 1 Kupolev success testflight unstable / stall fragility K-2 AATT plane - - 1 Kupolev under development testflight Space Flight Systems SFS Ideal or empirically data/parameters for lifter construction & development TWR 1,3 - 1,5 total dv 3600 - 3800 1st stage 2nd stage 3th stage SRB's data apo 70km reached data class version cargo kg cost cost/kg status twr dv twr dv twr dv twr dv burntime off height off v m/s v m/s dv left difference to min. 2300m/s Total launches / Successes / Failures notes SOR P1 2600 - - cancelled - - - - - - 1 1 P2 2600 1275 0,49 retired 1,8 560 1,8 1000 - - 1 1 P3 1800 2100 1,17 retired 1,8 420 1,5 620 1,5 1200 1 1 1 500 - - cancelled 1,5 1780 - - - - 4 1 3 2 500 3210 6,42 retired 1,3 870 1,3 1200 - - 4 2 2 3 1000 3255 3,26 retired 1,3 700 1,3 1200 - - 1 1 Kerbol I 1000 7850 7,85 operational 1,4 3700 1000 1600 300 300 m/s dv overpowered II 2000 in planning III 3000 in planning IV 4000 in planning Kelta I 1000 in planning II 2000 in planning III 3000 in planning IV 4000 in planning Aircrafts class version max speed max height status function Kupolev K-1 - - cancelled multipurpose K-2 in planning multipurpose
If im able to use only the radiation, malfunction & live quality functions of this mod, i wld be done with modding my ksp to highest standard. But im looking forward, someday this mod works with the other ones. I hope. €: or this mod can someday provide much more than or equal other juans.