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Everything posted by X_Splinter

  1. I am trying to add an object to both of my wings but the symmetry is upside down. I tried pressing R but it doesn't change at all. Also F doesnt help it either... Any idead?
  2. It was a Clapotron attached to a BZ-52 port. I went to the ship builder and load the ship. Aparrently the Calpotron became merged with the BZ-52. I wounder if this is a bug. Now I got a useless ship EDIT: I remade the second on Kerbil and save edited to Minmus orbit
  3. It was a Clapotron attached to a BZ-52 port. I went to the ship builder and load the ship. Aparrently the Calpotron became merged with the BZ-52. I wounder if this is a bug. Now I got a useless ship
  4. So I was making my first Minmus surface base. The first part went perfect. But when I came back to pick up the 2nd part I am unable to undock. There is no undock button What I am doing wrong??? Is there anything I can do? Took me long to do this
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