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Everything posted by WhatRCS

  1. Uploaded 3 files. You can download at http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g6d2934600abea6049998273357f4ab1b911deb1b7 b4_display_prob.sfs is the before file after_kssmun1_scilab_trans.sfs is taking the before file and transmitting science from the sci lab on the station which will causes the display problem after_big_science.sfs is after landing a kerbal rescued from minmus orbit who stopped at the minmus station before landing on kerbin. I stopped playing for about 3 months waiting for 1.1 to release so I had forgotten about the minmus science. Anyway when he landed I got 1600 science from experiments returned to kerbin from minmus and this also caused the display problem. Use the before file, land the ship named Module Station Crew Change Vehicle 2 with Patmore Kerbin and you should get the science and the display problem. Using the before file take the ship in solar orbit named Mun Science Probe Lander 3 and get at least a flyby of Duna and it should trigger a world first (there is also a contract for duna flyby that gave science but I think it was the world first) and that will cause the display problem. I can upload the after from this if you need it. So it is not just a transmission problem but appears to be science gain related. I hope any fix you come up with will restore the display. That 1600 science was too much to turn back from. zk-4k batteries and mammoth engine sweet! I have to move all the but persistent and last save files out of the default folder to be sure I load the proper file. I'm pretty sure I'll always want the 2nd from bottom of the list but by moving the others I know I get the right one.
  2. Thanks for the welcome. I went back to a save before transmitting science and continued my game from there. I just tried the steps above on my current persistent file and the missing info problem happened again. Do you want me to send you the file or upload it somewhere? Need any files other than the .sfs? Would you like a before and after? This may have something to do with gaining science and not necessarily the transmission. I was messing around with a probe to Duna and got a world first that awarded 2 science and it affected the display of saved games in the same way the transmission from the science labs did. Luckily the oldest backup save was b4 the duna encounter and the next backup save was after and where the display problem starts. I'll copy them to another directory in case they are needed. Since 1.1.2 I have transmitted science from 2 probes that landed on Mun and they did not affect the display. Science recovered from a vessel landed on Kerbin (goo from space transferred to a pod for example) does not affect display.
  3. Transmit science from science lab go to space center Hit ESC, Save game Hit ESC, Load save some saved file info is missing from the just saved file, older saves display properly older saves display filename, funds, science, rep, year day hours, flights, contracts after transmitting science from science lab saved files display funds, science, rep (instead of 80% it displays only an 8) and nothing else The main problem for me is that the filename is missing. It appears that nothing is broken if you load the game (did not check this thoroughly but it looked like all my ships were still there). Once the bug occurs any future saves including persistent and backup saves (once they replace old backups) of that game will display with missing info. Version 1.1.2 64 bit no mods All science labs were in position and had accumulated science prior to version 1.1 if that makes any difference in tracking the bug.
  4. I found another Mech-Scorpion on Mun.
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