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Everything posted by orthi

  1. So there is still hope in this? I have not benn playing since 0.23 that much really anymore. And it is becuse of this. I have over 400 hrs on record with this amazing game, but the micro freezes deter me from playing the game at all Is there any time line on this appening by any chance?
  2. Well in my case it could also be the different fuel, so that the mod looks for the "default" fuel and sees there is none there. In KSPI you can change the fuel for your engines and with that the impulse and thrust. Maybe this is also a problem. And then it would be clear that it says not enough dV, because I have none of the default fuel on board. I will try to see if the thud also fails on me...
  3. Hi. I love this great mod... I have a question though. Landing with stock combustion rockets works a treat. If I use KSP Interstellar Extended Nuclear rockets however the spacecraft will always crash It will deorbit just fine, then coast to its correction burn just fine, so it is right on target. Then however it never decelerates. The mod says, there is not enough delta V available, will decelerate as much as I can. However it will do nothing of the sort. It will crash without raising the throttle again, eventhough I sit on 9k dV in that particular case and my Closed Gas Reactor Engine is operational. It must be, because the mod already deorbited and target adjusted with it Does this have something to do with KSPI's adjusting thrust and is there a way around it, so this great mod can autoland rockets with these nuclear engines?
  4. I just signed up to state i am in the boat as well. I was totally stoked for the 1.1 release because I have had the problem with the micro lags since 0.18 iirc and thought it would be fixed now. And it bothers the hell out of me. So installed the game. Stock. First spaceplane. Trying to take off, game runs perfectly smooth. Then half a second pause on take off... 20 Part plane. Making it uncontrollable to me :/ The "micro" lag strikes yet again. And to me it is so off putting that I immediately quit playing again, disappointed. This really needs to be addressed somehow. I really love the game, but having something freeze is so detrimental to my experience, that I do not want to play it And I have tried everything. Running it on Linux, Windows on SSD and HDD... no avail.
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