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Everything posted by supersonicparadise

  1. I just realized that I posted this April ago... And that I have yet to work on anything involving this...
  2. I might actually name it that... On second thought, thanks for picking the name!
  3. No. The name is the only thing I haven't figured out thus far. I'll think of something, though.
  4. After reading Weeks 1-3, I can't wait for what's to come in the future!
  5. https://gyazo.com/affb1eb3b89aeab72e988ceabd21217d https://gyazo.com/0aafa1529a06d9833dd66331e59e7247 Okay, a couple of things: 1.) This is just a pre-prologue preview thing. I have the prologue planned out, as well as the beginning of some storyline. 2.) I actually DO have a Kerbal named Jerkin Kerman in the save I used and will use for the webcomic/graphic novel.
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