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  1. Thanks for all the replies.... Now for some of my own... First a quote... "" Just read the instructions "" I believe in my initial post I have stated that I've researched for hours. More than just reading the directions. I have watched video after video including Manley. I have done the tuts section. .I understand how the navball works. I have SAS enabled and have a one star pilot in career mode. I often burn too much feul to get into orbit on one flight, start tumbling evweywhere on another. On this other one I will lose the ability to move the navball entirely. Charge can run out in just one orbit? Why am I losing the ability to move the ball entirely? If it isn't this, it's that. Fix this, that breaks. Fix that, this happens. I am launching the same mission over and over and over again with backward progress. I orbited the Mun and didn't have enough fuel to return. OK, cool, Revert, Now I can't get into orbit again. Revert, now I start tumbling before reaching Mun, Revert, Now I can't "steer" entirely. Yikes. So I'm losing these abilities with the same DARN ROCKET. Sometimes I can steer, but sometimes I tumble, sometimes I lose "steering" altogether. I know you don't "steer" in space, just can't think of what else to call it. This is just plain too hard. There needs to be a way to tone it down a bit. I mean, I am a man of science, been studying space and astronomy since 6th grade (over 30 years) and this game makes me feel stupid. I have been playing for about a month and a half. You'd think I could land on the Mun by now... Nope, I haven't even tried it. I have only orbited it. I guess I just plain don't get it. The AP issue I speak of happens while ascending into space... Holding the nose at the horizon and burning should keep the AP where it is and raise the PE, which it does, for a while until the AP suddenly climbs WAY WAY faster than the PE, resulting in an AP of 600km and a PE of only 100km. I have tried burning slightly above prograde after passing the AP point, which works for a few seconds. Sometimes I can get a descent orbit but most times I end up using all my fuel on raising the PE which takes FOREVER to climb. After passing the AP on the way up, the AP SHOOTS up and the PE CRAWLS up. How the heck can you make the PE rise faster while keeping the AP close to stable? I have tried stronger engines and weaker engines. I've tinkered with TWR. Ugghh No matter what I do, that AP shoots up while that PE slowly ticks up. That's my biggest issue, along with the loss of control (tumbling and moving the ball entirely). I appreciate a game that is challenging. I don't mind learning it, but I'm getting to a point where I'm going to put it down and fire up Prison Architect again LOL. I'm not having fun, I'm constantly frustrated. But I've waited for a game like this for a few decades. Major disappointment.. I want to be able to play this but I didn't realize it would have such a steep learning curve. I've played some complicated games before, (Battlecruiser / Universal Combat anyone? LOL) but KSP has half the controls but twice the complications.
  2. Hello all, Just thought I'd post a little about my frustrating experiences with KSP since purchasing it. I can't seem to get anything right with this game. I've been playing flight sims for 20 years dating back to Pro Pilot for Windows 95/98 and getting deep into MS Flight Sim and Combat Flight Sim. But KSP just keeps putting me through the wringer and I'm getting tired of failing all the time and having to launch again, and again, and again. When I get one thing corrected, something else comes up. For example.. Simple Orbit... It takes me 4 to 7 tries to get a descent orbit. On one attempt, I'll be burning horizonally just fine but the periapsis raises sooo slooooww. Then the apoapsis begins climbing very fast and next thing I know, my apoapsis is halfway to Mun while the periapsis is only 65km. Ok, now, I finally get into orbit after about 3 or 4 tries. I have feul so lets try a Mun flyby. RIGHT! Set a maneuver node and get my apoapsis out to Munar orbit, move the node to get a Mun encounter. Easy right? Comes time to burn, line up with the blue marker and burn when the timer hits 0, burn until the white meter is gone and the clock reaches 0 on burn time, my orbit is way, way past Mun with no encounter. I try it again, this time burning 1/2 before and 1/2 after node encounter. Now I don't even get anywhere near my node's path, I get some orbit way off of where I want. I can't get this right and I really want to get into this game and I'm trying really hard but I'm getting beyond frustrated and ready to move on to other games. I'm so tired or re-launching. Why does this game have to be so DARN HARD??????? Ok, I get close to Mun after a bit of luck and somehow got the node right, (don't kow how I did it). I am nice and close and now I can't steer my ship, I'm tumbling all over the place and there's no way to get home because I've lost control of my ship, REVERT YET AGAIN! UGGHHH!! I'm beginning to hate this game. EVERY TIME I get something corrected, something else goes wrong. Then, when I get the tumbling right, the game crashed! I don't know what I'm doing wrong or why this has to be so complicated. I shouldn't need to research for 2 hours just to get a descent orbit and I have given up on even trying a Mun landing, I can't even loop around it and return home like Apollo 13 did. Either this is the hardes flight sim ever made or I'm just getting to old for this crap and need to hang up my virtual wings. I don't want to hate KSP but it's getting easier and easier by the launch. Just venting, Thanks for reading and enjoy your day. The Controversial Ghost
  3. Ok, Purchased yesterday..... Glad I only paid $23.99 and here's why.... Within the first hour of downloading the game from Steam with the Humble Bundle Steam key... I was putting a fin on the base of my third rocket in career mode, after clicking the fin into place.. POOF! My desktop appears. The game just vanished... CRASH TO DESKTOP within THE FIRST HOUR and you call that WORTH $40.00??? Yer nuts The game is no where near worth full price and all you fan boys need to get into reality Wif
  4. Ok, First of all, thank you to those that pointed me to Humble Bundle... I have purchased a Steam key. Now I have a few words..... $17 difference, my economic situation is not bad at all, for the person who mentioned this... I appreciate your offer but not affording the game is NOT the issue here.... As I posted.. The game is not worth $40.00 AS IT SITS NOW... the bugs, the crashes, the issues, and from what I read about update 1.1, most mods don't work anymore.. It's not about the money, it's about value and something unfinished, still being developed, still has problems, and still broken in some ways (look at the 64 bit version crashing randomly to desktop often).... that IS NOT worth $40.00. I would pay the $40.00 if the game was FINISHED and free of bugs and crashes. Again... it's not the $17 difference, it's the principle.... paying full price for an unfinished product. (see below). Next up.. I was not being rude to anyone and I was not intending to start anything.. I was simply stating my opinion about the value of this game.. I was directing my comments at the developer... not you. I was not insulting anyone, I was telling Squad that they charge too much for their unfinished, buggy game.. I do enjoy it when it works but I'm not paying full price for something that isn't finished. Would you pay $15,000 for a car that randomly stalls and you have to pull over and restart it? Oh and it was still being built, uh, we didn't add the radio or the spare tire yet but we will... in time, but we want full price up front... NO.. that's B.S. I'm sorry. I apologize for any misinformation.. I have always seen the game advertised at around $20 to $25... I was unaware of the exact time the price went up. Lastly... thank you to all that helped me and pointed me to the sale. I did purchase it. I appreciate it.. I can see that voicing an opinion isn't very welcome in this community so I will be keeping my posts rare and keeping my opinions even more rare. We can all stop with the nonsense now, it was just an opinion. You are welcome to pay full price for unfinished products but I don't do that. I feel it's wrong and a horrible way to do business. I ran a computer repair shop for many years and I would never ask my customer for full payment up front and only doing half the work... It's just an opinion people... Thanks and God Speed to you all...
  5. Hello, I created this forum account to voice my thoughts to SQUAD about Kerbal Space Program's price. I watched videos of this game. I have played the demo. I saw the price was $23.00 on Steam. I said "OK, I'm going to get this on my pay day." After pay day, I come back and it's $40.00???!!!! REALLY??? I was all kinds of ready to shell out the $23.00! I would even pay $29.00.... So, let me get this straight.... you nearly DOUBLE the price after the update 1.1 (the price was always in the $20.00 to $25.00 range, I had been watching). I wouldn't get DOUBLE the game would I? I doubt it. So you want double the money and without doubling the game content. Not from me, not today. You have lost this sale, and my son's sale, as well as my flight sim addicted father's sale. This game is not worth $40.00 as it sits now and Squad knows it! A very disappointed lost customer. Put the price back to ~25 and I'll buy but until then, see ya....
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