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  1. personally, i like planning out the main projects i do and spend most of my day giving them awesome and fitting names
  2. A place to share any long term plans you have for your game This is my current long term plans for KSP. I am a (Kinda) relatively new player so i'll be doing this is sandbox first and then either do it (or something similar) in science or career mode. KSP Plans 28 April 2016 17:48 . The Artemis project. This includes Artemis Satellites, Rockets and spaceplanes/Satellite Launchers. The Artemis Satellites orbit Kerbin, scan then surface and ores of Kerbin and transmits the data back. Project Bacchus. Bacchus is a refueling station in orbit around Kerbin Project Taurus. The Taurus is a space station in orbit around Kerbin which must include room for at least 5 Kerbals (preferably more), a solar array, refueling station (Not Bacchus) and several laboratories. 4. To the Mun! 5. To Minmus! Project Selene. Project Selene consists of building a refueling station in orbit around the Mun, a kind of carrier ship which you dock small spacecraft or landers on which then flies them to orbit around the mun (this ship will be called 'Selene's Chariot'). The main part of the project is Selene itself, a mun base. 7. Interplanetary Travel. This will be planned out once all of the above are complete.
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