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  1. Gotmachine's post in External monitor loses signal and goes dark intermittently was marked as the answer   
    KSP doesn't handle anything related to your monitor refresh rate. There are several software layers in between. Some driver settings will take precedence over the in-game settings.
    This being said, your issue is likely that the NVidia driver is configured to use GSync or adaptive sync , but somehow your monitor doesn't handle it correctly.
    Framerate in KSP does indeed jump all over the place because of various issues but mainly because it's a single-thread CPU bound game, and your Ryzen 9 5900HX isn't exactly shining on that front, far from it.
    The solution is likely to just disable GSync/Adaptative sync in the NVidia driver for KSP.
  2. Gotmachine's post in What is "TransferSimple"? was marked as the answer   
    It doesn't disable the maneuver tool by default. There is a setting for that in the main in-game settings menu.
  3. Gotmachine's post in Kerbal Space Program stops loading at Loading part Upgrades was marked as the answer   
  4. Gotmachine's post in Kerbal Space Program stops loading at Loading part Upgrades was marked as the answer   
  5. Gotmachine's post in Kerbal Space Program stops loading at Loading part Upgrades was marked as the answer   
  6. Gotmachine's post in why i can't make kerbalism work? was marked as the answer   
    You are installing all your mods wrong.
    When you download a mod, the zip file will usually contain a "GameData" folder. You need to copy the contents of that folder inside your own GameData folder.
    What you are doing is extracting the whole zip into GameData, wich won't work because mods expect a specific folder path.
    If you want hassle free mod installation, I suggest you to delete all installed mods and use CKAN instead :
  7. Gotmachine's post in why i can't make kerbalism work? was marked as the answer   
    You are installing all your mods wrong.
    When you download a mod, the zip file will usually contain a "GameData" folder. You need to copy the contents of that folder inside your own GameData folder.
    What you are doing is extracting the whole zip into GameData, wich won't work because mods expect a specific folder path.
    If you want hassle free mod installation, I suggest you to delete all installed mods and use CKAN instead :
  8. Gotmachine's post in why i can't make kerbalism work? was marked as the answer   
    You are installing all your mods wrong.
    When you download a mod, the zip file will usually contain a "GameData" folder. You need to copy the contents of that folder inside your own GameData folder.
    What you are doing is extracting the whole zip into GameData, wich won't work because mods expect a specific folder path.
    If you want hassle free mod installation, I suggest you to delete all installed mods and use CKAN instead :
  9. Gotmachine's post in why i can't make kerbalism work? was marked as the answer   
    You are installing all your mods wrong.
    When you download a mod, the zip file will usually contain a "GameData" folder. You need to copy the contents of that folder inside your own GameData folder.
    What you are doing is extracting the whole zip into GameData, wich won't work because mods expect a specific folder path.
    If you want hassle free mod installation, I suggest you to delete all installed mods and use CKAN instead :
  10. Gotmachine's post in why i can't make kerbalism work? was marked as the answer   
    You are installing all your mods wrong.
    When you download a mod, the zip file will usually contain a "GameData" folder. You need to copy the contents of that folder inside your own GameData folder.
    What you are doing is extracting the whole zip into GameData, wich won't work because mods expect a specific folder path.
    If you want hassle free mod installation, I suggest you to delete all installed mods and use CKAN instead :
  11. Gotmachine's post in why i can't make kerbalism work? was marked as the answer   
    You are installing all your mods wrong.
    When you download a mod, the zip file will usually contain a "GameData" folder. You need to copy the contents of that folder inside your own GameData folder.
    What you are doing is extracting the whole zip into GameData, wich won't work because mods expect a specific folder path.
    If you want hassle free mod installation, I suggest you to delete all installed mods and use CKAN instead :
  12. Gotmachine's post in why i can't make kerbalism work? was marked as the answer   
    You are installing all your mods wrong.
    When you download a mod, the zip file will usually contain a "GameData" folder. You need to copy the contents of that folder inside your own GameData folder.
    What you are doing is extracting the whole zip into GameData, wich won't work because mods expect a specific folder path.
    If you want hassle free mod installation, I suggest you to delete all installed mods and use CKAN instead :
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